I Found Out Where The Tracker Is I Think?!?!?!

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Tira POV

I woke up to Emma annoyingly poking me LIKE PLEASE STOP EMMA IM AWAKE BUT I DUN WANNA GET UP?!

But of course Emma is an Emma and so she kept poking me and then she started saying my name a LOOOOOT of times.

"Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Tira Ti-" Emma finally stopped when I "slept whacked" her hand away from me and continued fake sleeping to actually go back asleep.

But of course again it's Emma and an Emma gonna do what an Emma wanna do.

"TIRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Emma screamed into my ear making my jump up and cover my ears with my one arm.

"I heard you the first time!" I shouted back at her mad. I flumped back down into the bed and pulled the covers up trying to go back to peaceful sleep but Emma just had to pull the covers off and I groan annoyed.

Why can't she leave me alone at the important times???

I got up and glared at her and she shivered and looked away.

"U-um it's dinner time..." Emma said awkward. I looked around for Phil because I fell asleep with him next to me but he wasn't there.

Did Phil really just leave me for food???

I sighed deep and got up from bed and walked passed her still mad because now my ear hurts! Thankfully when I got to the table I saw an extra plate of food in the very very very back and grabbed it and started eating ignoring everybody.



My ear isn't hurting too much...

THE EAR!!!!!!


Cus if they put it in our ear then we wouldn't know cus we babies and if it did make a scar then it okay because we won't really notice because we don't really pay so much attention to our ears and it's easy to get to when we babies cus they just need to go ba BLAM for the tracker to go into our ear and it's easy!!!!!!

I started mind talking to myself and moving my hands and arms around because it's not like anyone will notice me doing this.

Especially if mama doesn't even know I exist.

I finished and left the room full and happy and needing to tell Phil about what I found out but when I left Ray was standing in front of me like he was waiting for me.

"Hey, come with me." Ray said and I shook my head no. Like why would I?

He rice krispied my arm!

He frowned, but honestly when is Ray not frowning? He frowned and walked to me and grabbed my arm when I tried backing off and he dragged me with him.

Who knew that bookworm Ray would actually be strong?

Since I didn't want Ray to tattle about my existence to mama I just let him drag me when I could have easily ran off. He dragged me to the library and pushed me against the wall at the back where no one usually went to.

"What do you know?" He asked mad mad. I looked around and no one was there. Good.

"Me and Phil were actually gonna try to find you but we got caught up. But why should I trust you?" I asked Ray and he continued to look maaad.

"If you're going to put yourself in danger I don't care, just stay out of my plans and don't even think about bringing Emma and Norman into your stupid little plan." Ray warned me and then made sure to push me against the wall one last time before stomping off.

Well I guess that's a no to joining us.

A/N: GAHHH EMMA WHY YOU DO THAT?!?? Don't you guys hate it whenever that happens?????? I know I do UMU But look at Ray being kinda emotiony!! Awww UWU But still though Ray why not join Tira and Phil???? They also planning to escape so why not just work togetherrrr????????? Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!

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