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Tira POV

"What's the pen??" Phil asked. Norman pickle dit up and fiddled with it.

"A pen. Sister Krone gave it to me and said it'll help us." Norman almost stopped the pen but Phil caught it thankfully and Gilda and Don gasped.

"S-Sister Krone?! Isn't she on mama's side?" Gilda asked. I shrugged.

"I dunno. She decided to help me out and gave me this pen and hasn't ratted me out or threatened to rat me out like someone else I know. She also doesn't seem to like mama also. So maybe she thinks if she helps us we'll help her too with one of her random take down mama things."

"What's so special about this pen?" Norman asked and twisted the pen and then a hologram popped up! I stood up immediately and stared. It looked exactly like the logos from the books that Phil showed me!!!

"What is this?" Don asked and I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down the coordinates. Norman looked at me and then asked Phil to not bother me.

"Phil what's this?"

"Morse code." Phil said and everyone's eyes went big. I looked back down at my paper and finished writing it down and stared.


"What does it say Tira?" Norman asked and I showed him and he looked at it and then fiddled with the pen more and I instantly read the code as A00-00.

"It's coordinates." Norman said and I nodded in agreement.

"Are the coordinates supposed to be a safe place for us?" I asked.

"Probably." We all sat down and don picked up the note Ray gave me. And his eyes went wide wide.

"W-What is this?! Rope? Trackers?! Lighter?!"

"Ah that's from Ray." I said blunt. They looked at me shocked and I stared back.

"Ray...? How has he been getting all this stuff?" Norman asked and I was confused.

"Didn't you know? I thought Ray would have told you and Emma at least. Huh."

"Tell me what?"

"That he's been mama's spy." Everyone went dead quiet at that and I was totally confuzzled. Why didn't Ray tell anyone? Especially Norman! Cus Norman would have helped out soooooooooooooo much! Maybe this is why they're still here. Ray must really like Norman and Emma to not tell them till now. He probably didn't even want them knowing but I just spoiled to Norman. Whoops, I guess I can say this is revenge for crack a lacking my arm.

"So... I guess he didn't tell you anything huh." I said and leaned back into the chair. Norman just stood there looking mad and crumpled the note in his hand.

"Norman? Are you alright?" Gilda asked worried and it was so quite that you could hear Norman breathing. Norman took a deep breath and sighed and looked back up at us and nodded.

"Okay then what do you all think about Ray joining? I mean I did reject him because he didn't have anything really important or useful but he has good stuff now. That or he just kept it a secret for some weird reason." I asked everyone.

"Since Ray is mama's spy we could use him to keep mama's attention and then we can get to the wall to make sure there isn't anything dangerous on the other side." Phil said and I nodded. That's true, we don't know what's on the other side of the wall. Who knows, there could just be a ton of demons waiting!

"Okay how about you Don?"


"Don?" Don didnt say anything and got up and marched out the door with Norman getting up and following behind him.

Oh no....

A/N: HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DON AND NORMAN WHAT'RE YOU GOING TO DO TO RAY RAY??!??!??!?!! Don't do anything your going to regret TMT AND PHIL AND GILDA AND TIRA STOP THEMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! Also Norman seems to be a lot more mad than he would have if Ray was the one who told him and he found out by himself. What'll he do to Ray?! Anyways, make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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