How Do We Make Ray a Tattle Tail???????

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Tira POV

"What?! No TIra, that's bad!!!!" Phil shouts. I shush him.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I whispered quiet and harshly. Even though mama doesn't know about me and the other kids don't know about me except for Ray and Emma and now Norman it doesn't mean that they don't know about Phil. Also since mama was able to use her stupid dumb pocket watch and find me even though my loner energy was strongest at that point because I was alone hiding in the top of the tree in the darkness of the leaves she might find us if one of the three stupid stooges tattle on us. Phil slapped his hands over his mouth surprised and whispered.

"Sorry!" Phil whispered really really quiet. I smile and ruffle his hair. He looks so cute like that!!!!!!!!

"It's okay Phil." I say.

"You've been talking a lot nowadays Tira." Phil said with a smile. I was shocked. Phil's right!! I was!

"I really like your voice Tira, so keep talking to me at least okay?" Phil said with a closed eye smile. I smile back and nod and pat his head.

"I will. Now let's get back to business!" I say. Phil nods serious again.

"Ray isn't an easy enemy. He knows a lot and much more then we do because he's helping mama out all these years to the point where Emma and Norman don't even know. He's also extra smart too and so we can't use any normal strategy to make him tell us because he'll see through all of them." Phil explains and I nod my head agreeing.

"It would have been easiest to use Emma or Norman to help us out if they believed us but they don't so it's a lot harder now. We weren't close to him and since now he is suspicis of us he won't trust us easily if at all." I reply. Phil nods and swings his legs back and forth looking up into the sky through the leaves. I do the same and we both sit there swinging our legs and thinking until Phil snaps his head to me and I quickly look back at him.

"Isn't Connie getting adopted?" Phil asked me. I thought for a bit and remembered seeing the calendar had marked Connie leaving but I couldn't remember when.

"Yeah. Do you think..." I trailed off. Phil nods serious.

"We need to find out the exact day!" Phil says serious. I nod serious also and the two of us jump down from the tree and I piggyback Phil and speed run back to the house. When we got inside we both went strait for the calendar and I flip the page and see that she was going to leave in three weeks.

"She's leaving in three weeks!" I tel Phil and he sucked in a breath.

"Tira, I'm sorry..." Phil said sad and sniffled. I bent down and hugged Phil worried.

"No, don't be! Why are you sorry Phil?!" I said panicked. I pull away and Phil rubs away the tears from his eyes.

"I-I don't want to think l-like th-this..." Phil hikuped out.

"Think like what Phil?" I asked worried.

"M-Maybe we can u-use Connie and try to m-make Emma and Norman believe us." Phil sniffled out. I hug him again tightly like I was a bear.

"Oh Phil! We can't stop Connie from getting shipped to the demons by mama and Ray. Since we know we can't do everything ourselves then that means we have to get Emma and Norman to believe us and that means using what we can at our disposal." I tell him and pat his back soothing.

"This way Emma and Norman will believe us, and in turn Ray will spill the truth weather he likes it or not."

A/N: AHHHHHHH PHIL NO STOP CRYING TTMTT Poor Phil and Tira and Connie! They need to use Connie being shipped to make Emma and Norman take them seriously! Why can't they just believe them???? UMU If they did then maybe Connie wouldn't have to be shipped UMU Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!

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