So Whats the Plan?????

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Tira POV

Phil le gasped at me saying that we needed to escape.

"But what about the others?" Phil asked with a worried look on his face. I scoff.

"If the three aparently smartest people here don't believe us then why would they?" I tell Phil. Besides its not like they even know I exist so even if I do tell them they wont believe me or they wont even notice me talking to them. Also it'd be bad because then mama would know that I exist and then she would ruin me and Phil's escape plans!

"But I don't want to leave them behind..." Phil said sadly and looked down at his leg on the branch. I pat his head.

"I know the world isn't fair, but that doesn't mean that we can't try and make it fair right? Right?" He asked with his sad brown doe orbs.

"We can't think about saving people yet. The first problem is Ray. He knows something but isn't telling us what it is." I tell Phil.

"Mm that's right. Especially when we told him he didn't have any reaction and was tooooooooo calm about it. Also mama talks to him in private alot so maybe he's spying on us!" Phil said with determination. I nodded seriously. Thankfully Phil is smart unlike Emma and Norman and Ray. Besides, why would Ray help mama? Does he get something??????

"Maybe Ray gets books from helping mama. He always has a new book I haven't seen in the library before." Phil adds and I think back to all the times when I found Ray reading a new book I haven't seen before. Then I remember all the conversations I ever heard with Ray and everyone else when they ask about the new book.

"Ah, I found it in the corner behind the rest of the books." Ray would always use as his excuse. I got even more mad. Why wouldn't Ray want to tell us anything?! It's not like mama is always listening to us and can listen to all of us forever and always and besides she doesn't even hear or notice me which makes it possible to do it.

"How do we get him to tell us about mama and the orphanage?" Phil asks me. I put my chin in my right palm in a thinking position. That's tough...

"Ray is always secretive and quiet and he's extra smart also and he can run good like Emma and Norman and mama is also helping him and he's helping mama too. So we can't make him tell us by asking or something like that." Phil says with his chin in his left hand.

"Yeah that's stupid because we now know he's a spy and since he hasn't said anything about mama or the demons or the orphanage ever, and I mean like, EVER, then that means he's really good at keeping the secret very secret. Also he knows we know something and he's trying to make us tell him but we won't so he probably thinks we know about him too. Also we have to hope that not just Ray but Emma and Norman don't tell mama or anyone else because then they'll tel mama about what we just told them." I tell Phil and Phil smiles sad.

"Mm hm. It also seems like Emma and Norman don't know about the orphanage or Ray and the 'promise' that was made. It'll be hard to get them to help us especially since they think we're crazy now." Phil said sad.

"Since Norman and Emma don't know about the promise or the orphanage or mama or about the demons how do we make Ray tell us what he knows?" Phil asked with confusion and very sreious and business like. I ka thunk a thunk a bit and then slammed my right fist into my left hand palm.

"Do we have anything to blackmail him with?"

A/N: AHHHH TIRA SO SMART AND EVIL AND VILLINIS BUT SO SAD AND NICE AT THE SAME TIMEEEEE!!!!!!!! Also did you guys see that Tira is talking a lot more now???????? Yeah, surprise! Tira has character development!!!! UWU But come on Ray! Just tell them since they already know and you wanna help Emma and Norman at least escape UMU Ugh, anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!

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