Plan of How to Use Connie to Get What We Want

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Tira POV

"How can we use her to get Norman and Emma to believe us?" Phil asks. I think back to Connie and with my perfect auditory memory was able to remember everything Connie has ever said that I heard perfectly.

"Oh! She always talks about her rabbit Little Bunny!" I say hitting my right fist into my left palm with a determined face.

"Ohhh! But how do we use Little Bunny?" Phil asks. I grab his hand and we walk away from the calendar because some of the other kids were getting too close for comfort for our conversations and they would most likely tattle on us to mama if they heard and saw me and then I wouldn't have the atvantige of mama not knowing I exist.

"Since everyone knows that Connie really really really REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY loves Little Bunny then we have to make sure she 'forgets' Little Bunny and then Norman and Emma will find Little Bunny and take him to her." I tell Phil.

"How do you know they're going to do that?" Phil asks with an innocent look on his face.

"That's because they're toooooo nice... well not nice nice to me though but still they'll be nice to Connie. Also since everyone knows Little Bunny is important to Connie they will of course give it to her since they will want Connie to have something to remember this place by and so Little Bunny is perfect." I tell him and close the door to the rooms behind us.

"But Little Bunny is so important to Connie, how will she forget about him?" Phil says sad.

"Easy we hide him. Make sure he's in a place that no one will check and then as soon as she leaves I will put it somewhere obvious and will make Little Bunny stand out and then you get Norman and Emma into the room and they'll see Little Bunny. Then everything will be perfect!" I say very confident and happy with the p de degrees greeil puts his hand to his chin in a thinking pose for a bit looking real serious and then slowly nods after a bit. He looks up at me with determined eyes and nods.

"Okay." Phil says. I smile and jump in the air!

"Tira, you're so smart so why don't I ever hear mama call your name during the tests?" Phil asks. I blink.

"Tests? I never did it before. Mama doesn't even know I exist even though she's mama, so I don't have a seat or a test to do." I say confused and Phil gasped big.

"You never did it before?! You should do it! Maybe you're just as smart as Emma and Ray and Norman!" Phil says excited with a gigantic smile on his adorable squishy looking face.

"How can I do it though if mama doesn't even know I exist? I also can;t let her know I exist or else operation 'Make Emma and Norman Believe in Tira and Phil About the Demons and Orphanage and Mama' will be ruined!" I say worried. Phil smiles at me and then drags me by my hand out the door and towards somewhere.

"We can ask Norman! I bet he remembers all the questions to the test we took last time!" Phil says excited. I cock my head to the side in a 90 degrees angle.

"But doesn't Ray have photographic memory?" I ask. Then I 'ah'ed' really loud because I remembered that Ray is one of the bad guys and so we can't tell him or he'll know and tell mama my results and use it against me.

"Yup! Hehe, I don't even need to explain anything to you, huh Tira?" Phil said laughing. I smiled back.

It's been a long time since things were this calm.

A/N: OMGGG!!!!! Finally we get to see how smart Tira finally is! Also Tira using her loner energy and aura to hide herself and hide Little Bunny in an obvious palce where Phil will lead Emma and Norman to is such a great idea!!!!! I wish I was this smart TTUTT Anyways dont forget to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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