What Does Ray Want????

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Tira POV

I stretched and walked away after Sister Krone tagged me and I could hear her gasp behind me. I turned around and looked at her confused and she looked shocked and kinda scared and I got even more confused.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked and she snapped out of it and shook her head no real fast and I shrugged. If she doesn't want to tell me I can't really make her. She's an ally so it's not like I can hit her or anything.

I walked all the way back and sat next to the tree when I saw Ray staring at me like he wanted to talk to me. When I did i felt a piece of paper hit my hand and I slid it into my sleeve like those cool spies UWU

I waited there and then I see everyone slowly come out even Emma and I saw that she was eeeeeeeeeextra scared. She then walked up to Ray and started talking to him but whatever. She kept on looking at me and I ignored them waiting for Phil.

When I saw Phil I got up and walked over and we sat away from everyone else.

"Kieran did she do anything to you?" Phil whispered. I shook my head and started smiling again. I really can't believe I got an adult on my side!!!


... never mind he has mama.....

"Let me tell you Phil it was amazing! After you left I asked Sister Krone how she could see me and then she said that it was because she smelt me because everyone has a different smell! It was crazy! And then she was talking about how she saw you hold my hand when she got there with Carol and so she said she knew that I was real?" I said confused at the end. I continued telling Phil what I just said and he listened and nodded his head. Sister Krone walked out and then everyone went back inside and I went to the library with Phil to wait for Gilda and Don and Norman.

I sat down on the chair and swung my legs back and forth before I remembered and pulled out the piece of paper Ray spied into my sleeve. I opened it up and Phil was watching the entire tome.

"What's that Tira?" Phil asked and I looked at him with a smile.

"Ray gave it to me all sneaky like." I said and I read the note and I frowned.

"What's it say Tira?" Phil asked and I sighed and then groaned really loudly and leaned back into the chair.

He can stop the trackers... Ugh. That'd be a lot easier then cutting everyone's ear a bit and squooshing out the tracker.... and he says he has rope too and a lighter. Wow Ray What are you going to do? Burn the house down????

"Wow!!!! Ray really wants to team up with us huh?" Phil said and I nodded annoyed. I knew he could get the stuff but who knew he could stop the trackers from working?! And a lighter would be really good at night when we get cold or when we need to cook food or purify the water. Does he also have bottles or canteens?????

I heard the door open and I sat back up to see Norman and Gilda and Don come in and close the door behind them.

"What's wrong Tira?" Norman asked and I tossed the note and pen u got from Krone onto the table.

"These. Now, what questions do you have?"

A/N: OAOAOOAOAO RAY GETTING DESPERATEEEEEEE OOOOOOOH But what about Emma??!?!!!?! Will Emma finally stop being such a prick and be nice to Tira and help out and ask to join? UMU Also it's finally time for the plan to be fully shown!!! Hehehe~~~ Also it's been so long since I started this!!!! We're already on chappy 41 if you include the bio and authors note!!!!! Thankies sooooooooooo much to everyone who's still reading!!!!! UWUWUWUWUWU But anyways make sure to vote and comment and follow and share!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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