We Find Out Where The Name Kieran Came From!

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Tira POV

Another week passed and Emma hadn't been able to get me anything useful. I was frustrated but it's not Emma's fault since it's mama we're talking about. And it's not like I can ask Ray because he never asks about family stuff before and would be suspicious if he asks now. So Emma's the perfect person to ask since she's all about family and love and that stuff. Ugh.

"Tira!" I spun around with Phil and Gilda to see Emma running over to me panicked.

"Emma? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Do you know the book?"


"You said you named yourself after your favorite character right? What book? Maybe if I read it I can tell mama about the book and get her to tell me some information!" Oh wow that's smart coming from her for the first time I've seen.

"Lets go to the library, I'll tell you there." I said. The four of us walked over to the library and it was only is in there.

"So what's the book called?" Gilda asked. I tapped my chin.

"It's called Pawn. Kieran's only a side character sad life though but he's totally cool!" I gushed my eyes brightening.

"What's the cover look like?" Emma asked.

"Oh it's just red and fancy. It's a really old book but when I read it we just got it." They all stared at me confused.

"Old? So 12 years?" Phil asked.

"No, a lot... a lot... longer... longer?" I trailed off confused also. I shook me head.

"Whatever it's red and old." We walked over to different places of the library and looked at each book.

After an hour of looking we all sat down at the table with no book on top.

"Are you sure it was red Tira?" Gilda asked. I nodded.


"Then are you sure about the title?"

"100% too."

"Then what happened to the book?" Gilda asked and I sighed and leaned back into the chair. That's a good question. What happened to the book? I'm sure it existed! I even read it a lot of times!

"I don't know... hmm well I guess I can just tell you about it. So basically it's about this girl who gets transported into a different world where the people there don't speak the same language as she is. So she's basically a theif and one day she's running from this guy and bumps into another dude and he starts talking to her in her language! Then she finds out that in the world she's in she's a certain race of people who have high magic powers and gets sent to this magic academy. There she goes to school and all that and makes enemies and friends. But the good part comes when Kieran comes in of course! One day he sneaks into the academy and they both become really good friends even though they can't really talk to each other and then spoilers so I can't say anything else."

"Ooooh!!!! I wanna read that!"

"Heheheeeee I know me too again. But does that work?" I asked Emma. She smiled and nodded.

"Yup! I'm going to go find mama again!" She ran out the door leaving Phil, Gilda, and me behind.

"Emma! Wait!" Gilda said running after her. Both me and Phil followed the two of them and the three of us instantly hid behind a wall and peeked over. Emma was talking to mama and they were along and talking pretty loud.

"What is it this time Emma?"

"I forgot to tell you about this dream I had! I was reading this really good book!"

"Oh? What was this dream book called?"


A/N: We finally find out who Kieran is!!! I mean of course Kieran is Tira but I meant where she got the name from! I also see you guys theorizing that Tira is mama's second child, and I won't say if that's right or not, but you'll see soon if you are! Maybe Ray can get the book from mama?????? That way Tira can read it and have Emma get more juicy details out from mama UWU Anyways make sure OT vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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