Finally Someone Apologizes! UMU

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Tira POV

"What do you mean Phil?" I asked and he bent down and crawled under my bed. I bent down too and looked and saw that it was extra darker, darker than Ray's non-existant soul.

"It's so dark here!" I say and I could barely see Phil nod and crawl back out.

"This way we don't have to go anywhere and we can easily move it somewhere else if someone finds it!" Phil says and I 'ooh'ed.

"Alright!" I say and start to shove the blanket rope under my bed. It was real easy and quick so it didn't take long before Phil and I went to dindin. Of course when we got there I make sure to sit in my usual place in the very back in the corner so no one could see me. Then I look up after everyone was cheering and see Emma and Norman pulling out the food and giving everyone a bowl. I tapped my chin. It's not like I'm going to get served dinner anyways so I could just go back to my bed and finish the blanket rope. I was about to stand up before I felt someone push me back down. I look up angry because who wants to get in my way? Then I see Norman smile at me sheepishly and he looked like albino sheep sheep. Suddenly he bent down to me and whispered in my ear.

"Gomen about what happened Tira." Norman whispered and hurried away which I was happy for because that meant that mama wouldn't look over and possibly notice that I exist. After I waited for Phil to finish his food we hurried back to my bed and made sure to finish the blanket rope. We were working on it in silence when Phil stopped and looked at me.

"Tira can I ask you something?" He asked.

"You just did but okay what is it?" I put the blanket down.

"I... I don't want anyone else to die." Phil started tearing up and I panicked. Phil never cried because I always made sure that he was happy but what do I do now?!

"Ahhh! Phil don't cry!" I say panicked. I didn't know what to do like deer in headlights and was just siting there panicking and arms flailing around.

"Tira, can... can we escape? All of us?" I stopped and looked at Phil.

No, I can't.

I can't make sure the escape will work with that many people. Also I can't tell everyone about me or else it's going to get mama's attention and that's no bueno. Also they probably aren't going to believe me since they didn't know that I existed and I suddenly appeared out of nowhere and I'm talking smack about mama.

"I... I don't think so Phil... No one is going to believe us anyways since not even Emma and Norman the so called smartest of everyone here believes us. Also it's going to be waaaaaaaaaaaay too hard for us to get everyone and not let mama notice." Phil pulled me into a bone crushing hug and I was about to tell him to stop because my arm is a cracked cracker but it didn't hurt at all! I was surprised but I didn't say anything cus Phil looked up at me with his bit doe eyes with tears and I felt real guilty. He looked like I just kicked his lil puppy which I would never do -.-

"B-but I want everyone to survive Tira!" Phil cried and I just patted his head as he cried into my chest.

When Phil finally stopped crying he apologized and I just smiled and pat his head to make sure he knows that it's okay.

"It's okay Phil. I just don't know them since I've always been alone minus you so I don't really feel any connection to them. Okay! It's getting dark let's go back to your room!" I said trying to change the subject. I stood up and Phil followed and we started to walk back to his room.

"Tira you'll stay with me forever right?" Phil asked when we rounded the corner. I was about to answer when Phil stopped and looked up up. I looked up to and froze still my big purple doe eyes getting eeeextra big.

It was Mama.

A/N: HUUUUUUUUUUUU MAMA?!!??!?!?!??!! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN WITH TIRA THERE?!?!?!??!?! OAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAO?!?!?!? Hopefully everything is okay! UMU Anyways this chappy is a bit longer than the others so I hope you all likeyyyyyyy UWU Make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!!! AND DUN FURGET TO WASH YO HANDS AND STAY INSIDE OR CORONA MIGHT CATCH YOU!!!!! UMU we dun want dat. Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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