Don Almost Got Us Caught?!?!???!??!!

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Tira POV

Gilda and Phil and I got up and followed them. Both Phil and Gilda were worried but I was as cool as a kool aid from the freezer.

"Hey guys, what are you going to do after you find Ray?" Gilda asked worried after they looked around the house. They didn't say anything and Gilda spoke louder.

"Guys really! What are you planning to do with Ray when you find him?" Gilda asked walking closer. Norman turned around and have us a smile.

"Don't worry about it." He said.

Wow I never thought I would see norman kinda triggered.

They kept on searching until it was time for dinner and everyone left. But I had to promise don and Norman that I'd keep an eye out for ray, wherever he was. Everyone was eating but everyone at my table was realllll quiet. It was like we were all ghosts just watching people. Even though I promised Don and Norman that I would watch out for Ray they kept looking up and around instead of eating.

"Norman, Don just eat! Keep doing that and mama's going to see and come over!" I said annoyed. Krone already found out so I didn't want to risk mama finding out too. They didn't listen of course.


I got up from the table and stood on the chair looking for Ray so they can finally stop being so obvious. I finally saw him on the other end of the furthest table and I sighed.

"Found Ray." I said sitting down again.

"Where?!" Don shouted and everyone looked at him and I died on the inside.

"Uhhhhhhhhh where's that secret hiding spot?" Don asked looking over at Gilda who was sitting right next to me.

"Wow Don you just ruined Gilda's secret spot!" Phil said with a pout and I relaxed. Man Phil is soo good at this. I got up and sat down next to Norman and whispered in his ear.

"I aready know where Ray is so spot being so obvious and just eat." I whispered real quiet. Norman didn't make it obvious that I was talking to him but he did ask me.

"Where is he?" Norman asked.

"I'm not saying anything until everyone's done eating." I whispered back. I got up and sat back down where I was sitting before and I saw Norman whispering to Don what I just told him. The two of them looked at each other and nodded and ate without looking up again thankfully.

When we were all finsihed everyone went out to play tag again and I decided to be it so Don and Norman could do whatever they needed to with Ray and it'd also let me snoop and let Gilda and Phil make sure they didn't do anything dumb as a brick.

"Kieran says he'll be it!" Phil shouted before he started running. When everyone heard that they all ran faster than I ever saw them run into the forest. I watched as Gilda and Don and Norman followed Ray into the forest and waited for a bit.

"Krone, have you seen anything suspicious about the kids lately?" I turned around to see mama asking Sister Krone something.

"No. By the way did you ahve a daughter?" I saw mama tense up and look shocked for a split second before looking at Sister Krone like normal. Something started bubbling in the back of my mind but I didn't know what it was.

"No. I didn't." She said. They just stared at each other for a bit and I decided to go after everyone.

There was no way I could miss this.

A/N: WOWOWOWOOWW Don really isn't smooth huh UMU Hopefully he'll get lessons from Norman or Phil XDXDXD But really Norman and Don out there making it so obvious they're trying to find someone UMU BUT TO EVERYONE STAY SAFE IF YOU GONNA BE PROTESTINGGGGGGGGGGG And make sure to cover up so the cops don't recognize you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!! STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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