Tira Gets A Blast To The Past From Talking About Toys?!

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Tira POV

We all walked back into the library and sat down at the table.

"What did you see?" Norman asked.

"Toys..." Gilda said before trailing off.

"What's so special about a couple of toys?" Ray asked, leaning against his hand.

"They weren't just any toys. They were all the toys from our other siblings that were shipped out." Gilda said seriously. I looked over at Don who was extra quiet the entire time. His hands were in fists and I looked away. Toys? Why toys? And why keep them? She never reused them so why keep them? Maybe it was until everyone forgot about them and then she'll take them out?

"Gilda, Don were there any toys you didn't recognize?" I asked. Gilda nodded.

"There were one or two."

"I see. What were they?"

"One was a shark plushie and another was a bird." I turned to Ray, Norman, and Emma.

"Do you guys remember if anyone had any of those toys?" They all started thinking but shook their heads one by one. I sighed.

"Gilda, what did the shark one look like?" When Gilda said shark it sounded familiar.

"It was surprisingly cute for a shark. It was big and very soft looking. It also looked like the oldest out of all of them."

His name is King Leo.

King Leo?

All of a sudden I was in the body of a toddler looking up to someone. I had my arms reaching out and she smiled and gave me the plush. I turned around to show someone but they had their eyes covered and back away.

"Hmph! Fine I'll name him.... King Leo! Because he's a shark! And since he's a King you have to be nice to him! Got it?"

"Tira!" I jolted and looked up. Everyone was staring at me worried, especially Phil.

"Ah.... sorry about that. Not sure what happened." I said. I put my chin in my hand ignoring what just happened. Why weren't those toys reused? Was it acting like a trophy? To remember them by? But why?

"Tira do you have any ideas why the toys were there?" Norman asked.

"It could be there like a trophy or to remember them by but I don't know why she would do that. What's the point?" Before anyone could say anything we heard the bell ring. Norman was the first to get up.

"Well we should eat first." Norman said. Emma and Ray nodded and got up. Everyone started leaving before they turned to me.

"Tira? Aren't you coming with us?" Gilda asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not hungry. I'll be in my room if anyone wants to ask me anything." They all left except for Phil who stayed looking at me worried. I smiled and walked up, patting his head and giving him a tight hug.

"I'm alright Phil, so go eat okay?" He hugged back and nodded. When I let go he gave me a bright smile and waved before leaving. I sighed when I couldn't see him anymore. I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed.

That memory...

Who were they? They seemed so familiar but unfamiliar.

Okay let's start off with the girl. Who is scared of sharks that badly? Emma wouldn't be scared, and even if Gilda was she wouldn't act like that. Maybe one of the younger kids? No, they're too young. That girl was about my height so we had to be the same age or around the same age. But how come I just remembered this?

And why now?

A/N: OAOAOAOAOAO TIRA IS REMEMBERING STUFF FROM THE PASTTTTTTT But why didn't she remember it before???? And why would mama have all those plushies in a secret creep room?????? So many questions UMU AND AHHHHH WE HAVENT HAD PHIL AND TIRA ALONE AND JUST HUG FOR SO LONGGGGGGGGG UMUMUMU I missed writing those TTMTT Anyways make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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