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Tira POV

"Oh, uh, okay. What did you want to ask Emma?" Gilda asked. Emma snapped out of it and took a step back confusing Don and Gilda. I gave Emma the same smile I gave her back when I told her to keep it a secret in the forest and I saw her gulp.

"N-Norman's waiting fo-for us. Let's go over there...." Emma hurried off without waiting for Don and Gilda which made me frown. That's so mean! She should have at least made sure they were following her! Don rushed after Emma and Gilda looked back at Phil.

"Uh wait for us in the library with Kieran okay? We'll go there right after we're done with Emma." She said. Phil nodded confused too and she hurried after Don. Phil looked over at me and I looked at him with knowing eyes.

She's going to tell them about me.

"What are we going to do?" Phil asked worried. I bent down and patted his head with a soft smile.

"Don't worry. I'll go follow them and you go to the library. When they're done talking I'll get back to you and tell you what they talked about okay?" I explained and Phil looked like he wanted to reject it but stopped and tapped his lil chin a few times with a serious face and then nodded instead with a determined look.

"Okay! Be safe!" I nodded and waved and he waved back and I rushed to where I saw Gilda and Don go. When I started hearing voices i side the bedroom I hid behind the door and pushed my ear up against it since it was closed.

Guess Emma really didn't want to take chances.

"What?! No way, Kieran is-"

"That's whag I'm telling you! Her name is Tira not Kieran!"

"Emma it's pretty hard to believe you. You don't have any evidence how do we know your not lying?"

"Have I ever lied to you before Don?!"

"No but Don is right Emma. Phil just told us that-"

"He's lying too! Don't you get it? Phil and Tira are-"

"Stop right there Emma. For one second I don't believe that Phil is lying. And even if he is im sure he had a reason and I can see why he would with you acting all riled (thanks again for al the help Google-Senpai UWU) up like this. Your acting childish."

"Don! I can't- Gilda you have to believe me!"

"... I, I'm sorry Emma but I can't. I have to agree with Don. Even if Phil is lying about Kieran you acting like this is strange. And wheres Norman? You said he wanted to talk too."

"!!! H-he..."

"That's the first lie you told us and it's over something so stupid? Emma why did you lie to just tell us this? You didn't need to use Norman to get us to listen!"

"I'm done with this. Emma go ahead and tell everyone but there's no way I'm trusting you after all this. Let's go Gilda, Phil's waiting for us right?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Guys please you have to-"

"We'll consider it when you get evidence. Other wise we can't. Sorry Emma." I rushed away from teh door and back to the library with a smile. Maybe I can trust these two.

"Tira!" Phil got up from the chair and ran over and hugged my leg.

"How'd it go?" He asked. The two of us walked over to the table and we both sat down.

"Emma tried telling them about me but they didn't believe her. They even said that even if Emma had proof there must be a good reason why you weren't telling them about me." I told Phil and he was wide eyed for a bit before he looked at me serious.

"So are you going to tell them?"

A/N: OMG YAS GILDA AND DON!!!!!!!! OMG IM JUST SO HAPPY TIRA CAN FINALLY POSSSIBLY MAYBE TRUST SOMEONE ELSE AND THEY WILL MAYBE BELIEVE HERRRRR >W< But ugh Emma is such a hipocrit though trying to make them believe Tira even though she has no evidence and was comaplinjng about Tira having "no" evidence about mama being evil when she did and showed her and Norman UMU Anyways make sure to vote and comment and follow and share and add to your library!!!!! AND AS ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS AND STAY INSIDE!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

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