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Tira POV

Norman and Ray looked at us shooketh to the core. Of course it was understandable though because Emma was acting so weird and she usually wouldn't do that but she did and they probably even more shook because they knew Emma and were best friends and she didn't tell them anything yet.

I mean I did tell her not to but what does she do?

Tattle still.

To who out of all people?

Don and Gilda.

Does she even think about tell her BFF's Norman and Ray?


"What do you mean?" Ray asked Phil.

"Don and Gilda wanted to talk to me but then Emma interrupts and pulls them away saying that Norman and her need to talk to them." Phil explained and Ray out his right hand on his chin and thought hard. Norman just stood there shook and probably confused BECWUSE it Emma we're takinf about and she usually wouldn't do that kinda thing but she did and there's no running from it.

"Tira... did you do something to Wmma?" Norman asked me and Ray looked up and watched me quiet like he gonna choose to kill me or not.

"I tagged her at tag." I say blunt. Like obviously I did something and that was tag her! Yeah I also told her not to tell anyone I slapped her but really that shouldn't have been the only reason why she was so scared. What was she so scared of? Because Phil says I don't look scary even when I'm mad so if a four year old says that then what else???? Also she looked like she was tryinf to look through me like Emma im human not ghost.

"No, you did something else didn't you?" Norman walked closer and I backed up. No way I'm being Kit-Kat'ed by him. Not like he could because I could just toss cold water on him and cal it a day but I'm not that mean to him yet. Emma just went over my anger line and so she got hit.

Talk shit get hit I like to say.

Phil got in front of me and put his arms out with a determined face. PHIL YOU MY LIL BODYGUARDDDDD UWUWUWU

"Phil, you knew what happened didn't you?" Norman said very un-Norman like. Phil just kept his determined face on and then Norman tch'ed and backed off.

Yeah he better.

"Tira, what did you do to Emma?" Norman asked mad and I pft'ed suddenly. Everything just came crashing down about them.

They're the so called smartest?

"What do you think?" I say back and Norman looks a bit shook again but shakes it off and glares at me.

"That's why I'm asking you."

"Sucks then that you aren't smart. If you were at least as smart as Phil you would've known. Too bad." I look and see Norman's hands in fists ready to hit me and I was prepared. If he did try I would've just grabbed his leg and yeeted him into the forest.

"You-" Before Norman could finish being butthurt that he wasn't smart enough to figure it out Ray stepped it and stopped Norman by pushing his book into Norman's chest. Norman looked surprised and stopped and relax. Ray looked over at me.

"Norman go back inside. I have something I need to talk to her about." Ray said and I was the one shook this time. Norman was also shocked but he didn't say anything and went back in. Once Norman was gone Ray sighed loudly. He looked at both me and Phil and crossed his arms.

"Let's work together."

A/N: OAOAOAO OMG IS RAY GOING TO REALLY LET THEM IN ON THE STUFF HE KNOWS?!?! WHAT ABOUT NORMAN????!! WHAT'S HE GONNA DO?! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! he really lost his cool there UMU But Whatever cus Tira and Phil finally got someone possibly in their side now!!!! And dont forget to check out darknessnoir47's fanficcccccc <3 love it UWUWUWUWUWU Anyways make sure to vote and comment and follow and share!!!!!! Stay safe at home unlike some people I know UMU BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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