All For A Magnet

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Tira POV

"Where did you go Tira?" Phil asked me when we found each other.

"I went to find Ray." I said.

"Oh! Did he say yes?" Phil asked with a big cute smile. I shook my head no and he looked sad and I felt disappointed because I made him sad and should have tried hard enough.

"But don't be sad Phil!" I said and leaned in real close next to his ear.

"I know where the trackers are! I have a good guess." I whisper out extra quiet to him. Phil slapped his hands over his mouth and gasped quietly.

"Where is it Tira? Can we get them out?" He asked and I shrugged.

"All I know is that it's in our ear and I don't know how to get it out. Were going to need something to pull it out but also that magnet so we know where it is so we don't need to chop off our entire ear." I tell Phil and he nods.

"So first we need to find a magnet right?" He asked and I nod. We both go our own ways and make sure to meet back here after searching.

I continue looking around for the dang magnet, pulling out the drawers and looking in the cabinets and everything but nothing! I stood in front of a cabinet and tapped my chin with serious eyes, thinking who would know where to find one when it hit me.


Emma is always active and knows about a lot of things too and mama really seems to like her so she maybe slipped up in front of Emma. So maybe Emma knows where a magnet is! I hurry around looking for Emma and find her surprisingly by herself outside folding the Landry. I walk up to her and she sees me and stops folding.

"Tira??? What are you doing here? Do you need something?" Emma asks and I nod with a fake smile. She puts down the white blanket and I step closer.

"Do you know where I can find a magnet?" I asked and she tapped her chin and leaned on her right leg. I waited for a while before she snapped her fingers and then pointed to the sky with a big smile.

"Alright! I'll tell you if you help me out!" Emma says happy and I mentally groan annoyed. Fine Emma, you win this time! I nod to her again and help fold the blankets and clip them onto the line, Emma surprisingly not talking to me about anything like she would always do.

After we finished I stretched my arms and looked at Emma again.

"Where's the magnet?" I asked and she just giggled and I started to get mad. Just tell me where the magnet is! I already helped you like you asked!

"Really? That's strange because I asked you to help out with my chores and I haven't finished them yet." Emma said and I face palmed for being so stupid. Of course Emma still needs help. For the next two hours I followed Emma around and helped her with her chores and I bumped into Phil and made sure to tell him to not meet me at the place because I didn't know how long it would take and so he could go and do other stuff while I tried to get Emma to tell me where the magnet was if there even was a magnet in the first place. Phil being extra sweet and nice said okay and that he'd go search more stuff up about our problem. When I finished helping Emma I asked her again and she looked at me with a big smile and said something that made me pissed off.

"I don't know."

A/N: EMMA WHY YOU DO THAT?!????! TIRA WAS HELPING YOU OUT YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD HER IN THE BEGINNING THAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!!! Wow Emma way to be nice TMT But Phil is so helpful! He's trying to find out more about the farm and all that UWU If you guys haven't noticed I also have a TPN X Reader Oneshot!!!! Of course you can always PM or comment who you want UWU Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

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