Ugh, Why Did I Even Try???

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Tira POV

I grabbed Phil and jumped down the tree from the darkness of the tree behind the darkness of the leaves and Phil grabbe the books also and then I ran really fast almost like mama fast but not that crazy demon fast. Then we got back to the library and hid the books in case if mama knew or found out about the books we'll be okay still. Then me and Phil looked around the orfinige for Emma and Norman and sadly the Rice Krispier.

Sadly we had to find Ray first and so then Phil ran up to him and whispered into his ear as Ray bent down to Phil.

"What? Stop joking around Phil, you're reading too many books." Ray said and ruffled Phil's hair. Phil looked sad and mad and kept trying to make Ray believe him.

"No Ray! I'm telling the truth!" Phil panicked said.

"Heh... alright alright, I'll play with you." Ray sighed out real disapointed. I groaned mentally, like really Ray? I bet he knows but never told us because of some stupid thing. I rolled my eyes and pulled Phil along with me to find Emma or Norman because maybe one of them would actually believe us. Phil kept shouting over at Ray who just stood there with a book in his hand and staring at us without blinking until we left his sight.

"Tira why did you pull me away from Ray?! We have to make him believe us!" Phil said and squirmed. I sighed and let go and Phil hurried up to the fornt of me and looked at me mad.

"Its no use." I told Phil and he then went from mad to sad.

"I-I know, but that doesn't mean we can't try! Besides maybe if we try hard and long enough then we'll get him to believe us since he'll see that we really are serious about it since we aren't stopping!" Phil explained. I sighed again and shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. Me and Phil then went to find Emma and Norman and found them together and mama wasn't close.

"Oh! Tira Phil where did you go?" Emma asked and ran up to me and Phil. I poked Phil and Phil started to tell Emma and Norman about what we found out. I sighed again for the umpteenth time that day and was ready for Emma and Norman to believe us when they both started laughing to the point where they were crying.

I was really mad. Why can't they believe us?! It made me so mad that I wanted to make them cry not out of laughter but pain. When they finally stopped I was glaring extra sharp daggers at them and Phil was also mad and sad. Both Norman and Emma sighed really loud and deep and caught their breaths before talking to us like we were stupid. Norman started first after wiping his tears from his eyes.

"Ahhhh, I haven't laughed that long for ages... Phil, Tira, what have you been reading?" Norman asked while Emma started laughing again. I continued to glare daggers at them and then turned around sharp on my heel 180 degrees and pulled Phil with me ignoring them when they continued laughing.

"What do we do now Tira?" Phil asked me. I sighed and shook my head and put my finger to my lips and walked to the forest again and jumped into the trees with Phil. I put him down on a branch and took a deeeeeep breath to calm myself down. Since Emma and Norman and Ray don;t believe us then I'll have to do something about it. I look at Phil who was worried seriously.

"We need to escape."

A/N: WOWWWWWWWW Norman and Emma just flat out ignored poor Phil and Tira trying their best to warn them! Like why would Tira even go and talk to you when she even ignored you when you wanted to talk to her?????????? Ugh, hopefully they believe them soon. ALSO HAPPY EARLY VALENTINESSSSSS UWUWUWU Of course imma spend it alll some by mehself as always UMU Anyways, make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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