My Results Are In!!!

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Tira POV

I hurriedly scribbled down the answers and my mind and senses went blank, fully concentrating on the problems in front of me. Each time I slapped down a page of completed questions the next set of question were harder and I had a tough time. But even though I had a tougher time it didn't mean that I didn't know what it meant so I answered all of them extra good to the best of my ability. I was sweating like a extra floofy doggo with thick fur out in the blazing hot summer sun in the afternoon.

... okay maybe not that much but it was really intense! Like super duper intense!

"You have five minutes left." Norman warned and I scribbled faster than mama and faster than I ever did scribble down answers before. After completing all the questions I put my pencil down and sighed out and slumped in my chair. Emma and Norman picked up the test and looked over it. I watched them with Phil and saw their eyes getting bigger and bigger and bigger! Norman and Emma started to flip through the pages of the test faster and faster.

"Sugoi..." Norman whispered out and quickly flipped through all the pages of the test. I sat up like normal people should al straight and stuff and crossed my ankles.

"How did Tira do?" Phil asked and crawled on the table and pulled a sheet of paper with my answers on it. He looked at it and got a big smile on his face.

"You got these all right Tira!" Phil shouted happy and glomped me tightly. I ghost smiled back and hugged back Phil and patted him on his back. He's my lil cheerleader UWU

"This is amazing..." Norman said again and I looked and Emma nodded her head fast and hard with the same surprised face Norman had on his.

"It really is! Tira mama doesn't know that you're here right?" Emma asked me looking up from the papers and I nod. If she did kno I was here I wouldn't be like this now would I Emma??????

"All the answers are right. How did you..." Norman said and I shrugged. I just knew and it was obvious. But apparently that isn't true for everyone.

"It's obvious which ones are right. Also probably because since no one noticed me until Phil I aways played by myself and had to find things that were fun to do by myself. Also I was liek you guys and thought that I would get adopted and so only smart kids would get adopted so I read a lot like Ray." I said and Emma and Norman looked at me in shock.

"It's no wonder you survived until now." Norman whispered out loudly. My eyes grew big because I internally went SUGOI!!!!! At myself and proud because of what Norman just said.

He basically unintentionally just believed me because he said survived!

"Do you believe us now?" I asked with a cock of my head in 30 degrees. Norman put the papers down and looked me in the eyes seriously.

"I don't want to believe you, but if you bring enough evidence then I'll... I'll think about it." Norman said with a sad sigh at the end. I gave a firm nod and pulled Phil up and rushed to the door only to get stopped by Emma again.

"Wait where are you going Tira?!" Emma shouted over. I turned my head to face them and simply said sounding bored on the outside but scheming on the inside.


A/N: YAYYYYY! Of course our Tira-Chan gotta be smart UWU Otherwise how would she still be alive after mama ignored her all this time?????? Anyways TIRA IS FINALLY GOING TO GO GET EVIDENCE FOR NORMAN ABOUT MAMA AND THE HOUSE AND EVERYTHING!!! Maybe they'll finally believe her UMU Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!

Lonely In NeverlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora