Wow Ray Really???? UMU

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A/N: HAI GUYS CHECK OUT darknessnoir47 TPN FANFIC IT HELLA FUNNYYYYYYYY XDXDXD But it also mature so you've been wsrnedddd!!!!

Tira POV

"So Tira what do you think about them?" Phil asked swinging his arms back and forth. I hummed and he giggled again.

"Yeah? But aren't you worried that Gilda and Don aren't going to trust us when they find out the truth????" Phil asked worried and I smiled and shook my head.

"They said that even if you're lying about me you probably have a reason why because Emma is acting al off." I explained and he ahh'ed.

"Should we check up on Norman?" Phil asked. I looked at him strange. Why should we? We don't have beef with him. Phil saw my confused face.

"Emma DID just lie to Don and Gilda about Norman also needing to talk to her. So we can use this as a chance to get Norman on our side also!" Phil cheered and my mouth dropped opened again.


I smiled and nodded my head once and grabbed Phil's hand and we ran back inside to find Norman. We checked the library first in case Norman got there after we left but he wasn't. Then we spent the next ten minutes walking around trying to find but couldn't. Instead we bumped into Gilda and Don.

"Phil are you and Kieran trying to find someone??" Gilda asked and Phil looked at me. I mean they probably saw him so why not ask? Phil turned back to them and gave a big innocent smile.

"Do you guys know where Norman is???" They looked at him confused and then looked at each other before looking back at us.

"Yeah he was with Ray near the tree." Gilda said and I inhaled really annoyed. Wow they really just did that to me and Phil.

"Thanks Gilda! Let's go Kieran!" Phil grabbed my hand and we both ran outside and saw Ray and Norman under the tree talking like normal people and that we weren't just going to get shipped off to be eaten by demons.

"Norman!" Phil shouted not getting too close to Ray. They stopped talking and looked over and Norman smiled and waved while Ray just gave us that dead stare. Phil grabbed my hand and dragged me over. I mean why would I want to be next to Ray?!


I cried in my head as Phil dragged me over but thankfully he put me next to Norman and NOT Ray.

"Norman we gotta tell you something really important!" Phil said. Norman just giggled and I started tapping my foot annoyed he was already judging us.

"What's so important that you need to tell him privately?" Ray asked really sus of us.

"It's alright I trust Ray." Norman said with that smile of his and I couldn't believe it. Rays a spy and we aren't but norman STILL trusts Ray more?!

I can't believe this. Even though they were friends for all this time I still just can't believe this.

Phil looked at me and I looked at him and he translated what I had to say.

"Tira doesn't trust him though." Norman got a confused look and I deadpanned looked at him. Did he really forget what Ray did to me?!?!?!?!

"Well I'm sure it's nothing too bad. I mean what else could there be?" Norman said with a smile. Me and Phil look at each other and Phil translates again.

"Okay well since Tira is over it at this point. Norman Emma used you to talk to Don and Gilda." My jaw dropped.

Phil really pulled no punches with that.

A/N: HUUUUUUU I CAN'T BELIEVE ITTTTTTT PHIL JUST STRAIGHT UP SAID ITTTT TUT He would have usually sugar coated it but I guess he was also totally over it at this point UWU AND NORMAN WHY U FORGET TIRA WAS RICE KRISPIED BY RAY?!?!?!?! HOW?!?! YOU WERE THERE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Ugh, but guys stay safe because boomer remover is still here and dun discriminate. Anyways make sure to vote and comment and follow and share!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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