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Third POV

After tag ended Tira went back sneaking and staying out of everyone's sight. Then when she got back to her bed she saw Phil and Phil saw her.

"Tira...?" Phil hiccuped. Tira nodded with a smile and Phil cried niagra fall tears. He ran and glomped her tightly. She spent the next half hour patting his head and hugging him back. When he stopped crying he sat down next to Tira.

"So we're leaving tonight huh?" Tira asked. Phil nodded.

"Everyone is really helping out. Tira you're coming with us right?" Tira didn't say anything for a moment.

"I'll be with you guys in your hearts." She said.

"But you said you'd stay with me! Forever!"

"I will Phil. I'll be in your heart."

"Why can't you just stay here? Like this?"

"I mean I'm a ghost Phil. I'll poof away but I'll make sure to always watch over you!"

"Like an angel?"

"Yup! I'll be your personal angel!"

"I don't have to share you with anyone?"

"Nope, just you. I don't think I can handle anyone else. Besides you were the first one to actually see and talk to me after I died." The two of them talked for a long time and after dinner everyone continued on like it was a normal day. Mama was suspicious about everyone at this point but she didn't know that they were gonna escape tonight. She didn't know how much they planned the past couple months ahead thanks to Tira and Phil.

It was finally night and everyone was getting ready.

"Sister Krone are you sure you'll be able to keep mama back long enough?" Ray asked. He didn't want to risk any chances with this. If they failed they would all be stuck and would never be able to escape.

Sister Krone nodded seriously.

"I'll help with that." Everyone's head whipped around to see Tira standing there leaning against the wall.

"Who is she?" Most of the kids asked. Everyone that was part of the plan totally forgot about this. They never told anyone about Tira because Tira never wanted anyone to know about her. And since they didn't know about the plan and the house until after Tira KO'ed they never saw her either.

"Uh hey guys, this is Tira!" Emma said first. Everyone stared at Tira confused.

"She's the one who helped us out the most with the plan. She made up a lot of it too so make sure to thank her!"

"I mean I did but of course we gotta thank Ray too. He's the one who got the important stuff like the ropes and all that. Anyways, I'll help Sister Krone keep Isabella busy. You guys go first." Everyone nodded seriously and Krone and Tira walked into mama's room. As soon as the door closed behind them everyone who was peeking from the corner waved to the rest of the kids and they all started heading out.

Emma, Ray, Norman, Don, and Gilda threw the ropes and had the youngest kids go down into the forest after a few older ones went. After all the kids were done Emma and Norman stayed on the wall waiting for Istser Krone and Tira.

After a while they saw not just Sister Krone and Tira, but also mama running over at a crazy high speed.

"So fast..." both Norman and Emma said surprised. Sister Krone was the first to reach up to them and she and Emma went down the rope and pulled it off. Now it was only Norman waiting for Tira.

"Norman wheres Tira?!" Ray shouted. Norman looked worriedly at Tira who had stopped running and was just trying to stop mama from getting to them.

"She's keep mama busy right now!" Norman shouted back.

"Tira!" Isabella shouted annoyed. Tira glared back at her.

"Isabella. You promised that you wouldn't hurt them. Let. Them. Go."

"They're cattle!"

"Isabella listen to me!" Tira shouted. Isabella stopped and glared at her.

"You said you wanted them to feel love right? You want them to live happy right?" Tira asked without glaring anymore.

"Of course! I love them."

"Then let them go. Let them live their life Isabella." They both stood there just facing each other. Tira was the first to move. She turned to Norman.

"Norman go now!" Norman froze. What was she talking about? What about her?!

"What about you Tira?!"

"I'll be fine! Besides I'm a ghost right?" Tira said with a smile that said everything. Norman gritted his teeth.

"Go now!" Norman looked down pissed and jumped, pulling the rope away when he touched the ground.

"Norman what about Tira?! Why'd you leave Tira?!" Phil shouted. Ray pulled Phil back.

"You were supposed to come here with her!" Gilda took Phil and hugged him while Ray went over to Norman and patted his shoulder.

"Let's go guys! We can't waste this chance Tira got for us!" Ray shouted to everyone. Everybody looked over to the wall and saw mama and Tira standing there looking at them. They all noticed that Tira was almost completely see through too.

Tira and mama smiled when everyone disappeared into the forest.

"Stay safe everyone." Tira whispered.

"I love you." Mama whispered. They both turned to each other and hugged one last time. Tira looked up at Isabella and gave a smile.

"Thank you Isabella, remember that I love you okay? Goodbye!" After saying that Tira bursted in sparkles and disappeared. Isabella hugged herself and teared up, but was still smiling.

"I love you too Tira. Goodbye."

A/N: HUUUUUUUUUUUUU I CANT BELIEVE ALL OF THISSSSSSSSS!!!!! This isn't the last chapter though! Last chapter is the next chapter!!!!!! I cant believe we got this far already TMT HUUUUUUUUUUUUU I CAN'T!!!!! I bonded with Tira too much TTMTT Anyways make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!!!!! I'll see you guys in the last chapter!!!!!!!!!

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