Chapter 1.1

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C H A P T E R  1.1
A  N E W  S T A R T


"Come Delaney. Give them a chance. This family is really nice. I promise." My social worker's reassuring voice bounced around my head, similar to every other time we had done this.

Mr. Kacy had been with me since I first went into the system. He was a sweet man in his thirties, with short brown hair and kind hazel eyes. Everything about him was comforting after being thrown from home to home. A constant in my life of never having something to hold onto.

Except this time was different. This time I was finally back to where it all began.

When I was first put into foster care, I was with a family that lived close to here. After that, I was passed continuously with no stopping points lasting long enough to count as a home.

My heart constricted painfully at each new house–it was inevitable, the feeling of never being grounded. Like my feet may, one day, no longer have a surface to stand on. I feared falling through the bottomless pit of kids that nobody cares for, and being stuck in the murky doom of a lonely infinity.

This time, though, I was determined to make it last. I didn't want to move again–especially not away from this place. I wanted to finish high school here.

I wouldn't disturb a thing in this house. I would stay quiet and keep my head down so that they had absolutely no reason to kick me out.

I definitely wouldn't get attached to the idea of staying, because as much as I wanted to, I never lasted in these houses.

I was brought out of my thinkings by Mr. Kacy opening my car door, a hand outstretched to help me out. He picked my small worn bag out of the trunk of his small car, slamming it shut afterward. Together we walked to the daunting front door. I took a moment to look at the house, memorizing, and trying to grasp onto every last detail.

It was always a tiny thought in the back of my mind, this house may be my forever. But in each, the dreams ended in soul-crushing nightmares that weighed me down on a regular basis.

The horrors that hide behind any basic-looking house are indescribable. Each window may be a small glimpse into someone's personal hell.

This particular house was in a fairly pleasant neighborhood. It was, by far, bigger than the surrounding ones.

It was a light, baby blue color, with a front porch centering the wider two stories. There are stairs on both sides, leading up to the porch, with beautiful landscape lining the front between the elegant stone driveway. Windows into most rooms send a welcoming feeling, opening up the house more. Altogether, it looks graceful and lovely.

I rang the doorbell to the side of the wooden door, immediately taking a huge step back behind Mr. Kacy afterward.

He'll keep me safe, my mind reminded me.

I'd known Mr. Kacy since I was six years old. He had always been a fatherly figure in my unruly life and always listened to me. He tried to make sure I was in good places, no matter what. It didn't work out that way for me, but I never blamed him.

The feeling of having someone to listen to my pleas and actually care what happened to me was what held my withering heart together.

The door squeaked open, forcing my eyes to jump to it. I peeked out from behind my hiding spot to see who it was.

A perky lady, who looked to be in her 40's stepped out. She had blonde hair and a bright smile, directed towards Mr. Kacy and me.

"Hi, you must be John and Delaney! I'm Maya. It's so nice to meet you! Come in!" She chirped, ushering us into her house.

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