Chapter 12: bonding day

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"Wake up, Laney! Wake up!" A little voice demanded. I felt a weight on my chest and hands shaking me weakly.

I peeped an eye open to see little Ben sat on top of me. His eyes were wide and gleamed down at me with pure joy and excitement.

"Hey Benny. What're you doing?" I inquired tiredly.

"You're gonna miss out. We're all hanging out. Time to wakey!" He screeched, jumping up and down on my bed.

I groaned at the movement but decided I wasn't going to get back to sleep any time soon.

I sat up and watched Ben sprint out of my room, rejoining his family.

I got a shower, feeling the scolding hot water cascade down my back.

My outfit was casual, because I didn't think I was going anywhere.

I wore a dark green sweatshirt dress that went down past my thighs. It was warm and comfy, but didn't make me look like total trash.

After brushing my hair, I picked my phone up off the stand and checked it.

Xavier :

Hey baby. Have a good day. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you. <3

I smiled. And responded to him.


I'm spending the day with the Thomas'. I miss you already. I love you too:)

I turned my phone off and headed downstairs with Milo toting behind me.

The cheers of everyone were prominent.

Is this what families do? Spend time together willingly.


I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. There was lots of food sat out, but I didn't think it was for me.

The family was probably going to eat it. So I left the food and got a piece of toast with a glass of water.

Making my way into the family room, I saw everyone sat around the table. A game was in the middle of them. Before I met Xavier, I hadn't played games since Dad was alive.

They looked to be on teams, cheering their own teammates on. The smiles on their faces and the joyous conversation made me feel as if I was intruding, so I stepped out of the room without them noticing.

I grabbed my jacket and slipped my tennis shoes on. I attached Milo's leash and headed out, closing the door softly.


I walked with Milo by my side. No destination in mind. I simply enjoyed the journey.

The sun was bright without any clouds to hide it. The breeze was soft yet steady, blowing my hair into a minor mess as we walked.

The air smelled of food from the local diners along with of the typical garbage and human filth.

I tried to think of a place to spend my day.

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