Chapter 28: missions

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I was on a mission. Today's goal: tell my best friend and second dad that I was pregnant and engaged. Hopefully without losing my fiancé to the protective men afterwards.

I decided that I'd stalled long enough with sharing the news. So I thought I'd start with the most important people in my life. Nathan was next on my list of people to tell.

If I broke the news one at a time I could handle the repercussions easier. A bunch of angry men in one room would surely send my mind into panic mode. Even after all this time with therapy, there were some things I still couldn't handle. Baby steps.

I'd been spending time with everyone lately. Xavier and Jacob especially. They were both going to boot camp after graduation. They enlisted together, which, in a way, I was glad about.

In honor of graduation coming up, Jacob, Maria, Cara, Xavier and I went on a road trip. We drove with no end goal. Just spent the weekend traveling and laughing. Singing with the windows down and the radio up. My heart felt lighter. Surrounded by everyone I loved.

I'd also been spending time with Scott and the boys. We have family game nights every Sunday. We just pick games and spend hours playing around, having fun together.

The twins haven't forgiven me or spoken to me since around the funeral time. I guessed I was expecting this to blow over once they got past their grief, but that wasn't the case. They seemed fine with everyone else, so I wasn't exactly sure what to do.

Ben sat on my lap during movies and asked me to tuck him in some nights. He wandered into my room in the middle of the night if he got scared. We were oddly close, but it gave me comfort knowing I was doing a good job with being a sister to him. Someone he trusted.

I spent days with Nathan and the firefighters he worked with. He was my favorite brother, but I wouldn't ever tell them that. He had an odd sense of familiarity and comfort I felt instantly every time he was around. He treated me like a little sister, which I valued more than words could ever express to him.

I spent time with each boy individually, which I liked because I got to know them. I felt like part of the family. Luke was intensely focused, which I was proud of. He was working hard for what he wanted. Carter was hard-working and fun-loving all at once. Dakota came out of his shell. We spent late nights huddled up on the couch playing videos games that he loved. He confided in my a lot, which I adored.

Every time the boys called me their sister, it made me feel.... special. Like I belonged with them.


When the final bell rang, I sprang out of my seat with my books in-hand. I made my way through the busting crowd of sweaty teens, pushing past everyone. I opened my locker and pulled my bag out, putting my notebooks and laptop in it. I slung it over my shoulder and made my way to the front entrance.

I sighed in relief when I was finally free of the pack hall. The fresh air and sunshine filled my senses. A small smile graced my face at the peace. I enjoyed it on my short walk to my car.

When I got there, I opened the door and got in. I turned the radio and air on immediately. I leaned back and closed my eyes, mentally preparing for what I had to do.

Neither of them knew I would be visiting them, because I wasn't sure what to say. Why I wanted to talk. So I'd just surprise them.

First was Josh.

He was probably at his house. All his friends and brothers lived together in a mansion now. They used to be in a gang. They were when Josh found me on the streets. But I guess seeing me in a pool of blood knocked some sense into Josh, and the rest followed. He started a legit security company, that now makes a ton of money. All his boys followed him off the streets, and they stuck together. It was kind of inspiring. I was friends with all of the boys, but not as close as I was with Josh.

I stopped at Suzzie's down the road and picked up 3 milkshakes to soften the blow.

'Hey I'm pregnant, and engaged—here's a milkshake!'


After I caught up with Suzzie briefly, I got back into the car, determination in mind.

I drove down the familiar roads to the beautiful mansion, thinking about what I would say. Would he be mad? Disappointed? I hope not, I hate that look.

I guess I could use my hormones to my advantage. If he gets mad, I would just cry until he felt too guilty to stay mad. That's the backup plan.


Pulling up into the familiar driveway, I felt my anxiety peek. My hands shook as I turned my car off. I gripped the wheel tightly, trying to steady my breaths. I blew out a deep breath, closing my eyes and preparing.

When I was ready, I grabbed my purse and phone, opening the door and hopping out.

"Let's do this," I breathed out, marching up to the door confidently.

Fake confidence—of course. That's the key. Fake it 'till you make it.

I my hand against the beautiful wood door trice, then stepped back waiting for an answer. I stood there, alone on the porch for a while.

When I realized nobody was going to answer, I turned to walk away.

"Hey who's—LANEY!" A voice rose behind me speak as they stepped out of the door.

I turned around, glad someone finally decided to go to the door. Standing there was Ryan Blake, Josh's older brother. He was 4 years older than Josh at 30 years old. Even though Josh was younger, he was also my dominant, the born leader. He drew people in and lead them well.

Ryan was a great listener. He was patient and supportive just like his brother.

"Hey Ryan. Finally decided to answer the door?" I joked. Kind of.

He chuckled. He looked like he wanted to hug me, but refrained from it. The last time they saw me, I wouldn't let most people touch me at all. Josh and Xavier were about it. Maybe a handshake or high-five, but hugs were a total 'no'.

I was really proud of the progress I'd made over the past few months—especially while I've been living with the Thomas'. I hugged people now. That didn't seem like a lot to most people, but I was proud of myself and that was all that mattered.

I took the time that hesitated to make my own move.

I stepped forward and incased the burly man in my own arms. I wrapped my skinny arms around his torso, startling him.

He looked down at me confused as to how I was hugging him, but slowly, reluctantly, wrapped his own arms around me. He was tense the whole time.

I stepped back and giggled at his alert form—like he was waiting for me to spontaneously combust in front of him.

"I'm fine, Ry. I hug people now." I giggled and gave him a bright happy grin. I had to bend my neck just to meet his eyes, because he was a giant—it seemed to be another gene that ran in the family.

He gave me a proud smile, like a big brother watching his sister graduate. It made me feel special, these boys always did. I felt my emotions lose control again. Tears welled up in my eyes. Ryan looked startled by my tears, but before he could ask, another familiar voice interrupted him.

"Hey bro, who's at the door?" I heard the deep voice rumble from behind Ryan, before I saw my best friend step out.

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