14. Momma

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Allison's P.O.V

" Wow, what happened? " Pony said walking over to me. Lyla just stood there with her mouth slightly open, and a sad and concerned look.

" Um I got stabbed by a Soc. " I said looking at Pony. Lyla continued to stand there and didn't say anything. I noticed her start to tear up a little bit. I quickly got up and went over to her.

" Hey I'm fine. " I said giving her a hug.

" I know, it's just the thought of you leaving me. Then I would be alone. " she said, not able to hold back her tears.

" I'll never leave you. " I said looking her in the eyes.

" Promise? " she said looking back up at me.

" Promise. " I said.

" Okay, but please be more careful. " she said giving me another hug.

" Okay I will. " I said laughing. It had been a long night, and we all went to bed. Johnny and Dally left of course. It was pretty hot and it was hard to fall asleep. I finally did tho.
I woke up in a lot of pain, my wound was hurting so bad. It felt like someone had poured lemon juice into my wound, then re-stabed it 10 times. It was killing me, but I didnt want to make too much noise.
I got up and went into the bathroom. I took the bandages that were wrapped around me off, then looked at my wound. It was still bloody. I put more medication over it, and wrapped it back up. The medication was burning, but I knew that meant it was working hopefully.
I went back to bed, after getting a drink of water. I layed back down on the couch, there was hardly any room. I layed at one end, and Lyla was at the other. I couldn't fall back asleep. I wasn't tired.
I layed there thinking about what had happened in the past few days, I got out of school, found out my mom was sick, my mom died, I got jumped three times, got stabbed, and now I'm left with a stab wound and a little sister to take care of.
My summer wasnt getting off to a good start. I wasn't going to let any of that stop me tho. I had to stay strong even though it hurt. I was staying strong for my sister, my mom, my friends, and myself.
I tossed and turned, unable to get in a comfortable position. All the thoughts and problems I had faced the past few days filled my mind. I couldn't go back to sleep not now at least. I got up and walked outside onto the porch, and sat down on the edge of the concrete surface. I looked at the stars.

" How? " I mumbled as I played with my hands.

" How can I stay strong. How did you do it momma. I need you here, I cant do this on my own. I know I have my friends, but I need you momma. " I said still looking up at the stars.

" Momma why did you have to leave me. It was too soon. I can't be left alone, especially with a 12 year old. Please momma, I need you. Please, you can't leave me here. " I said, I was crying at this point. I needed her, she was always there.
Even if I was mad at her, or she was mad at me. She would be there no matter what. She helped me with anything, she thought me everything I know, she made me who I am, she kept smiling no matter how hard the situation was.

" I'm tryin to stay strong for you momma, I'm tryin. But it's hard I miss you too much. " I said full blown crying. She was everything I needed, with her gone I dont know what to do.
I'm trying to smile through the pain and live with the hurt, but it's not easy. In fact it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I stayed strong as long as my mind would let me, but now I cant take it. I want to be strong, but how can I? My mom was gone, and I had to just except that.
I sat there in silence for a little while longer, then I decided now that I had got all that off my chest that I would try and go back to bed.
I went inside, and layed on the couch. It only took me five minutes to fall asleep. I dont know why it only took me five minutes to fall asleep, when before I could barely sleep.
I woke up the next morning. I had a strange dream tho. My mom, Lyla, and I were all there. We were all happy, no problems, no concerns, nothing to worry about. We were having a picnic in a feild, all alone with just nature.
All of a sudden however a man appeared, he tried to take Lyla and my mom away from me. He hurt me really bad, I dont remember how. But the strangest thing about it was, I got up and I fought the man. I fought him till he was bloody, and on the bridge of death. I hugged my mom and Lyla, and that's where the dream ended. It was very strange.
I didnt know what I was going to do about my house, the old one. Where my mom died. I didn't want to sell it because that was where I grew up my whole life, and where my mom died. However on the other hand I would get at least three hundred dollars from it. So I didnt know what to do.
I thought about asking one of the guys, but they probably wouldn't know. Besides I couldn't trust them with the decision. It's not that I have anything against them, its just they didn't live there they dont know how it feels. Making this decision was harder then I would of ever thought.

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