19. What To Do

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Allison's P.O.V

It was about 5 : 20 and Lyla was supposed to be back at 5 : 30. Me and Pony hadn't done too much. We talked for a while, played some poker, and read. Then Pony decided he was going to take a shower so I just sat and read my book.
It was about five minutes past 5 : 30, and I started to get a little worried. I just sat there and read hoping she would come home soon.
Then there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door. I opened it to see Steve holding Lyla. She was out cold.

" Oh my gosh, Lyla!! " I yelled.

" What happened? " Pony said walking up behind me.

" Bring her inside and set her on the couch please. " I commanded to Steve.

" Thanks Steve, what happened to her? " I asked walking over to Lyla.

" I'm not really sure. " Steve said.

" Well thanks again for bringing her here. " I said checking to make sure she wasnt too hurt. She had a huge gash right across her cheek, it was bleeding pretty bad. Lyla would be fine tho, cuts never really seemed to bother her.

" Hey Pony, can you get a wash rag with cold water please? " I asked.

" Yeah. " Pony said walking into the kitchen.

" Do you know any details on what happened Steve? " I asked.

" Well there were these three boys, and it looked like they were beatin up Lyla. So once I noticed, I told them to back off and they ran away. They must of been Soc kids or somethin. " Steve said going to get a peice of cake.

" Oh, okay thanks. " I said. Pony came back with the wash rag and handed it to me. I started to clean the cut on Lyla's face. Most of the blood was dried, so it was easy to get off.

" Is she okay? " Pony asked.

" Yeah she should be fine, just knocked out for a little. " I said. It was now 5 : 45. We all sat there in silence for a while, till Lyla sat up.

" You okay? " I asked her.

" Yeah, I'm fine. " She said feeling her cheek.

" What happened? " I asked really curious.

" I got jumped by some stupid Soc trash, that's all. Nothin big. " she said completely at ease.

" Tell that to the gash on your cheek. " I said giggling.

" Its only a scratch. " Lyla said giggling.

" If that's what you call it. " Pony said.

" Oh hey Lyla, how ya feelin? " Steve said running in with a peice of chocolate cake.

" I feel fine. " Lyla said shrugging.

" Well at least your okay. " I said.

" Those Socs need to stop jumpin us greasers. " Steve said, eating his cake angrily.

" Yeah. " I said in a quieter tone.

" I doubt it'll happen tho. I mean think about it, Johnny, Ali, Lyla, Dally, and I have all been jumped by Socs, or had to fight em off. " Pony said playing with his hands.

" There's always a chance. " I said.

" Yeah, I guess a small one. " Pony said looking up from his hands.

" Does anything hurt. " I asked looking at Lyla.

" No. " she said, which is what I expected.

" Okay. " I said.

" At least I got my icecream. " Lyla said a few seconds later, we all laughed. It was now 5 : 50, and we decided to play some more poker. We all liked to play poker, technically Lyla couldn't but we let her. Since we were the only ones playing it was okay to let Lyla gamble, she just didnt place any bets.
Are cames of poker usually got pretty crazy. Anytime some one would lose, cards would go flying across the room, or someone would get really mad. We all laughed tho, even if we did lose. We played till 6 : 30, then Soda came home.

" Hey y'all. " Soda said as he came in the kitchen.

" Hey buddy. " Steve said.

" Oh yeah, I just relized. Steve, why weren't you at work today? " I asked laying down some cards.

" Took the day off. " Steve said standing up.

" Hey speaking of which, what's up with takin so much time off? " Soda said looking at Steve.

" Whatcha gonna do about it? " Steve said walking over to Soda, and looking him dead in the eyes.

" I'll show you not to leave me at work alone. " Soda said smiling at Steve. They started to throw punches at each other, and playfully wrestle.

" Okay boys, take it outside. " I said smiling, while cleaning up the cards. The boys stopped wrestling. I put the cards back in the box, then put the box on the table. I walked into the bathroom, and undid my bandages. There was blood all over them. I had still been bleeding, even tho it didnt hurt too much I still wanted it to heal. Who wouldn't?
I put more medicine on it, then wrapped it up in more bandages. Hopefully that would be the last time I had to go through that process. I walked back into the kitchen. I was getting sick of Socs, bandages, bad news, medicine, and the natural struggles of life.
Everyone else enjoyed there summer, when mine just seemed like a constant loop of the same thing over and over. Socs jumping me, me walking away with a scratch or two, and finally some unrelated bad news. Did the Socs really not have anything better to do?
The new pool had opened this summer, and I wanted to go. But chlorine and a stab wound arnt the best combination.
All we ever did was watch movies, play poker, and get icecream. I needed something more to do, something exciting or scary. Something that wasnt normal, at least for me.

" Well what do y'all want to do tonight? " I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

" Depends, what do you want to do? " Soda asked leaning against the counter.

" Something that we wouldn't normally do, and something that actually provides excitement and fun. " I said kinda giggling.

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