Chapter Thirty-Five

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Caroline dropped me home, I was too scared to be by myself, she even walked me up to the door before leaving. Jeremy and Elena were both out. Elena at the Salvatore's and Jeremy at Bonnies. I fell onto the couch.

"Hey Jordy, how did you sleep?" Alaric asked me.

I screamed, jumping to my feet.

"Whoa! I'm sorry." Alaric said, hands in the air as he slowly stepped forward. I took a few deeps breaths before looking at him.

"I thought I was alone."

"I should have made some noises." Alaric laughed.

I nodded before grinning at him.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"I have papers to grade and lessons to prep. I don't know about you."

"Are you staying here?" I asked sounding hopeful. Alaric shook his head and my heart sank immediately. I was going to be alone, here in this house. Maybe Kol wouldn't come by. Fat chance, my phone had blown up with messages and missed calls from him. I hadn't had the heart to read them yet.

"I will see you for dinner. Elena said she was making a roast." Alaric kissed my forehead before walking out. I sighed, sitting back down. I heard a knock on the door and gasped in fear. I slowly stood up before peering around the corner at the front door. There was another knock. I bit my lip, maybe they would go away? Another knock was sounded, I edged my way closer to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

"Did you forget you promised to help me today at the Grill?" Matt barged in.

I blinked before remembering to help him while they were short staffed in exchange for the meals that he had given us while at the lake. I groaned.

"Yes. Do I have to?" I whined.

"Yes. I really need your help. Can you be ready in fifteen?" he asked, placing his hands on either shoulder. I bit my lip and nodded. I jumped into a quick shower before throwing black short skirt and black tee. I quickly put some make up on before throwing my hair up in a ponytail. Grabbing my earrings, I raced downstairs, Matt shaking his head with a laugh.

"I said fifteen." He chuckled.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"It's been twenty."

I locked up, following him to his truck before jumping in. as we drove, I stuck my earrings in.

"Aren't those things heavy?" he asked.

"Nope." I shook my head with a grin. I loved these earrings. I had found them when mom and I had gone shopping. We had celebrated my first period and gone shopping. Elena loved them too and would try and steal them. After we parked, I jumped out the truck before remembering I had a skirt on. I pulled it down a little before following Matt inside the Grill.

"I want you to just grab the empty glasses and plates.......please don't drop them." Matt said while pulling a face. I snorted.

"It's me, not Jeremy." I answered with an eye roll. 

I had been here a few hours; the Grill was slowly picking up. I had finished the small run, walking back onto the floor when I froze spying Kol. My heart froze and I felt my feet freeze to the ground. he turned to face me before blowing me off with a roll of his brown eyes. I felt a stab in my chest.

"Jords, can you grab those glasses?" Matt's voice yelled to me. I pulled my eyes from Kol and to Matt. He pointed to a few glasses that were on the table in a booth. I nodded before walking over, grabbing them up. I heard a loud female laugh. Turning my head to see some beautiful blonde laughing at something Kol said. I felt my eyes narrow before I shook my head. I walked back to Matt and offered him a smile.

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