Dating Finn Wolfhard would include...

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Bruhhh, sweetest relationship ever, it would be like, dating your best friend (because he was)

You know that relationship that you didn't know they were together because they act like really good friends, that's you guys

When he's gone you would watch his Facetimes and livestreams

Your relationship is real lowkey though, you guys are only 14-15 so it's not wild or anythingPDA is kept to a minimum, maybe an adorable kiss on the cheek here or there

You support Finn a lot and help him get through things that he needs help with

He doesn't post that many pictures of you on his Instagram, if he does, it's like a faceless shot but real sweet

BUT IMAGINE you guys being together for 1 year and Finn just posts this long post about you and a cute picture of you guys and the post talks about how amazing you are and how you're the Eleven to his Mike and such and it's highkey cheesy but really cute...*cries in single*

You're the leader of the Finn Protection Squad and he's the leader of yours

You met the cast for "It" and "Stranger Things" and they all pretty much adore you

You and Finn are such goofballs around each other

Finn strums his guitar for you a lot and you support Calpurnia

Finn helps you keep your grades up and you guys study together, you make sure Finn is sane and on top of his studies as well

When you met each his family, they already knew you pretty well so there wasn't much meeting


He invites you to events and such

Do you like the've never been one to try and grab the spotlight😉

You guys are such memes and meme trash 

Watching "Stranger Things on crack" together

Watching "It (2017) on crack" together

When you guys were watching ST season 2, when Mike and Eleven kissed, you didn't panic or get you jealous, you bugged the hell out of Finn(No but really) his face got all red and he got all shy and you obnoxiously yelled "HAHA" and kept poking him and laughing

Watching Stranger Things and you two would watch parts and it can be a super serious part and you two would just make up memes on the spot and ruin the intensity

Crying in Finn's arms when Mike broke down in Hopper's

Alright, but imagine in just being an absolute wreck while watching that scene and Finn being all proud and while you're sounding like a tuba, blowing your nose and being disgustingly sad, you give a high five while having your breakdown because he did amazing

Tbh though, you guys are such a weird couple (not physically) but mentally...It's hilarious

You guys are that "be that couple that can do both" couple

One minute you guys are having a competition on who can make the weirdest noises

Next minute you guys are wearing matching "Prada" outfits and being in a healthier relationship shop than 50% of Hollywood couples out there

You guys are just...🙌🏾 bless your relationship

BUT IMAGINE THOOO TMZ or some dumb Hollywood gossip thingy is like "they're not gonna last a week" and then Finn hits them with a "1 year later and we are still strong"And TMZ's just like "..."Goofy dancing 

Watching Finn's goofy dancing and laughing

Then you stop laughing because you realize he's serious...but you love him either way

You're the biggest Mileven shipper and it's so ironically hilarious that it's perfect

Rumors of you getting a brief cameo on ST

who knows

Ya, but you guys are so cute and the perfect relationship for your age range and cutely PG with each other

It's sickening (not really)

But no...

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