Dating Jaeden would include...

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A/n i noticed i didn't do one for Jaeden so i thought lets do one for him xD

-Having a Soft ™ relationship-Hand holding a lot

-Hugging, the warm and fuzzy kind that lasts a long time

-He was kinda awkward at first bc he's really new to the whole relationship thing

-He's really reserve so you do enough talking for the both of you.

-Going to baseball games with him-Phillies #1

-Hanging with him and his mom. Those two are close and it's cute as hell

-Which means he'll obviously treat you like a FRICKIN QUEEN


-Going to local cafés together and just sitting and chatting

-Sometimes just sitting in a comfortable silence is even better

-Him teaching you how to skateboard

-He bought you a penny board bc you thought it was so cute and tiny😂

-Cuddle sessions all the time

-Holding your hand is just second nature to him

-He does it all the time and hates letting go

-Hanging with the "Losers Club"

-They tease him bc he's totally whipped

-He doesn't mind because it's definitely true

-"I have to go to the bathroom"


-"fine I'll let go, don't be long"

-"I promise"

-They nickname him whip cream now

-In the Losers group chat he talks about you allll the time and they hate it😂

-Finn - Dude shut up!! we get it she's great!

-Jaeden - but she did this really cute thing when she was laughing today


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