Old and New(Bev x fem reader)

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Pairing: Beverly x Female!Reader

Warnings: none.

"Beverly! Y/N's here!"

As soon as Beverly heard her aunt's words, she wasted no time grabbing her bag and practically bolting down the stairs.

Times were tough and most of the time Beverly didn't know what to do with herself. After the incident with IT and her father, Beverly had moved away from the city of Derry to live with her aunt. She didn't know her that well, and Beverly had never really met her aunt before but she was pleasantly surprised when she found out her aunt was nothing like her brother.

Instead she was kind and gentle, and spent most of her time making sure Beverly was as happy as she could be. Of course her aunt knew nothing of what had happened to her back in Derry other than her father and the way she was treated, but it didn't matter to Beverly. Because while she missed the friends she'd made, her aunt cared for her like no other.

And of course, moving into another city meant a new school. After the events and rumour that had spread in her old school, Beverly was more than nervous. Then, she met you and while it had only been a little bit, you two were closer than could ever be.

When Beverly reached the bottom of the stairs, she found her aunt waiting at the front door and you peeking behind the door. She smiled brightly as you waved at her, the sun beaming down on your face. Taking the final steps over to the door, Beverly looked over at her aunt who smiled herself. "Be good." Her aunt advised, letting her hand run through Beverly's curly locks. "And be safe."

"Will do." Beverly nodded, her eyes shutting softly as her aunt pressed a kiss against her forehead. Waving goodbye to her aunt, Beverly stepped out onto the front deck, grinning from ear to ear. Before she knew it, you'd grasped her hand and the both of you were running of the porch with an excited step. "Have fun!"

Beverly gave one finale wave to her aunt before her steps slowed along with yours and you both fell into a comfortable walking pace. Shoving her hands into her pockets, Beverly looked over to you; "what would you like to do today?"

Your hand fell to your mouth a feigned gasp; "does the Beverly Marsh not know what today is?"

A confused smile fell over Beverly's lips; "no...?" She mumbled, shaking her head at you as you giggled. "What's today?"

Chuckling, you let your hand slip into the crook of Beverly's arm, pulling her closer to yourself. Leaning over, you stared at the houses surrounding you both with a glow in your eyes. "Today is the exact day we met, a year ago." You grinned brightly as realization dawned over Beverly's face.

Her heart swelled that you remembered such a day. To anyone a day like this would insignificant. Friends were friends, they came and they left. As much as Beverly loved being apart of the 'Loser's Club', she was sure they didn't remember her or think about her as often as she did. She'd always been afraid she'd never find anyone like any of them ever again. Whether it was another Stan, another Mike, another Eddie, Richie, Ben or Bill...

But it seemed she had.

"And..." You trailed, letting go of her to search through your pocket. "I got you something."

"Y/N..." You shushed her by setting the delicate necklace that had the word printed 'Loser'. Shocked filled Beverly's system as she stared down at the necklace. "I know you miss your friends back in Derry and sure, they didn't get this for you, but I thought you'd appreciate having something to remember them by."

Letting her eyes fall back on you, Beverly smiled; "thank you, Y/N."

You shrugged, suddenly bashful. "It's no problem." You waved off; "besides, I think it'd be cool to meet the infamous losers one day."

"I think that'd be cool too."

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