Best Friends//Richie Tozier

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Tense: 3rd person

Summary: Richie and (Y/N) are close friends, equally trash-mouthed and obnoxious, and soon enough come to the realisation that they like each other.

"You think you're cool but those glasses tell another story," (Y/N) poked at the glasses on Richie's face, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. He swatted her hand away and readjusted them, sitting up straight in attempts to show some sort of confidence.

"Why are you such a dick to me?" he laughed, poking her in the forehead, mimicking what she'd done to his glasses.

"Why are you such a dick to me?" she copied, much higher tone, laughing along with him. He shook his head.

"No," he put his finger in the air. "I'm not, I'm like the nicest friend to you, to be honest, I'm your only friend-"

"See!" she shouted, pointing at him frantically, voice cracking slightly.

"Okay, okay, I see your point," he pushed her hands down and out of his face. "That's the only time, though."

"Richie, you tried to sell me so you could get food when you were broke," she said seriously, making Richie snicker and nod. "It's not funny, that guy was known for accepting shit."

"Why did you think I made the offer?" she hit his arm roughly and he stopped laughing, holding his stomach as it ached from him laughing. What he didn't tell her, though, was how uncomfortable and slightly jealous it had made him seeing the way that the worker looked at her. "This place is crawling with those types of men, it's gross."


The two were walking to Bill's after Richie had received a phone call, picking (Y/N) up on the way. He purposely didn't ride his bike, knowing that she didn't ride one anyway.

"Guys, what took you so long?" Stan practically yelled when they eventually walked into the house, after Bill answered the door to them. "Were you making out?" In sync, the two stared blankly at him and flicked his head on either side.

"She doesn't ride a fucking bike, okay?" Richie shouted back, throwing himself onto the couch and almost hitting Eddie in the head with his feet. He pointed with his foot towards (Y/N), who was still stood, as Eddie kept having to push Richie's legs off of his lap.

She glared over at him. "I can't ride one," she put her hands up in defence as everyone looked at her.

"Why couldn't you have just ridden on the back of his?" Stan nodded to Richie, causing him to raise his eyebrows and hands at her.

She laughed. "No, no, absolutely not. He'd push me off or make some remark about my hands being near his dick," she went and sat on a dining chair, and Richie called out in the back whilst laughing.

"That's true," he pointed in the direction of where she was sat.

"Told you," she spoke almost immediately after he replied. She shrugged and the others went on to discuss why they were all called to come over. Bill explained about seeing Georgie, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for everyone, and how he wanted to go and explore.

"Fuck that shit, nope," (Y/N) paced around the room, occasionally looking behind her quickly as if she'd imagined seeing something. "I'll stay here, y'know, keep watch on things," the others just stared at her, unconvinced, until Richie piped up.

"Yeah," he nodded enthusiastically. "That's a good idea, (Y/N), I think you'll need two people for that," he got up from the couch and stood beside her. Everyone rolled their eyes but Bill gave in.

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