Chapter 4

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This chapter was ready a bit early. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Freyas POV

The ride to the hospital was quick and uncomfortable. Paramedics rushed around the ambulance checking my vitals. but once they realised I wasn't too badly injured they put my arm in a sling then gave me more pain killers. "Are you her mother." They questioned Mrs Stone and she smiled sadly then shook her head.

"Oh no. I'm her mother's friend." She replied sadly and her eyes filled slightly with tears. She wiped them away then smiled softly.

"Then where is the mother of this child." The man questioned while looking at Mrs Stone then back to me.

"Oh um, she...She passed away not to long ago. I'm looking after Freya from now on until we find her Fath...Someone from her family." She leaned over and gave me a small hug then started to tear up again. I looked at her with a confused expression and she shrugged it off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The man looked at us and sniffled. "I'm would you like some tea miss...?" He picked but a thermos of warm tea and a small cup.

"I'm Julia Stone and yes, please. I'd love some tea." She took the cup and the man filled it with warm tea. I looked at the two adults and smiled. Julia smiled softly and sweetly. It was the same smile my mum use to do when she was happy and content. I smiled softly then closed my eyes the feel into a soft sleep.

Time jump

I woke in my hospital bed with Mrs Stone sitting in the chair next to my bed reading. I smiled and groaned as I tried to sit up in bed. She heard and quickly helped me up. "You alright Freya?" I nodded softly. "Wanna know how Daniel is doing?" She asked and I nodded. "You possibly broke his nose and gave him a black eye. I'm sure he won't disrespect your family again." We giggled together for a while then a nurse walked into the room to check on me.

Mrs Stone and the nurse talked for a while then my mum's friend walked back in and sat at the edge of my bed. "So the Rooks are very mad and want you to get in trouble from the police because you hurt their son. I have to go and talk to them now. Will you be alright here by yourself?" I nodded softly and she leaned down and kissed my cheek. I smiled softly as she left my room. I decided to get some sleep while he was gone.

My dream

The world shook as the giant gold doors slammed shut. I looked around the room and everything shone a bright gold. Great big pillars reached the roof from the floor with a beautiful patter swirling around them. I looked at the closed doors then started to cry. Someone was holding my hands and it wasn't Mrs Stone. I didn't recognize who it was and I tried to pull free from the man's grip. I looked up at the man yet again and tried harder to pull free. The man was tall and old, His eye patch glowed goldenly but his face was emotionless. I screamed for Mrs Stone and tore free from the old man's tight grip. I started banging on the door and yelling to be let out of the gold hall I was so clearly trapped in. "LET ME OUT PLEASE! LET ME OUT!" I screamed through my shaky breaths. A guard appeared and pushed me out of the way and I landed hard on the floor. The old man walked through and the doors slammed shut.

Dream ends

I startled awake. Sweat rolled down my red face and I started to tear up. Mrs Stone came sprinting into my room ready to burst with information. She saw me crying softly and ran over to hug me. "Oh, Darling what happened?" She hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead softly.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed a tissue to clear my nose. "Nothing. Nothing I promise just a bad dream." I hugged her harder and sniffled quietly. We broke away from our hug and smiled at each other. "So uh. You looked like you had news. Anything to report?" I giggled.

She smiled softly then expresses confidently the news she desperately needed to share. "So the bad news is that because your only nine and somehow broke the boy's nose you will be grounded for a week or so. The good news is that you are grounded with me at my place and won't get into any trouble with the police. They just have to do one last check up on you then we may leave." She clapped her hands and I smiled weakly.

Then I realized we didn't have any way to get my stuff from the Rooks house. "How are we going to get my belongings from the Rooks house?" I looked at her confused as she put her hand in her pocket and produced Mrs Rook's keys to her house.

"With this silly, " We both laughed very loudly. A lovely male nurse walked in and quietly and quickly did his job and disconnected all the wires and monitors that were around or attached to me. Then told us we may go. I climb out of bed and left the hospital jumping for joy slightly.

Original published: 12.May

Edit: 30.May.2022

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