Chapter 30

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Freya's POV

I felt a soft, polite hand rubbed my forehead to wake me up gently. I opened my eyes to see Peter, still sitting on my bed and he had a smiled on his face. "Breakfast time?" He asked and I nodded feeling my stomach grumble in agreement. I yawned and followed Peter out of my room and to the kitchen for food. In those moments I felt less worried and almost happy to be there but of course, I remembered how my dad was doing. 

Steve was standing at the cooktop making something that smelt amazing. "Morning Freya." He said and he walked over to me giving me a bear hug that made me feel safe. I smiled and relaxed in his hold which I think he noticed. Nat and Clint gave me sympathetic smiles while Tony and Bruce were nowhere to be seen. I guessed they were in the lab. Steve went back to the cooktop and kept cooking the amazing smelling food.

Once Steve had finished cooking he handed me a plate of pancakes. It tasted amazing and I managed to get a decent amount of it into my stomach before feeling a little off. 

I had finished eating and put my plate on the table when I noticed as Thor rushed passed the kitchen. I look up just in time to see a look of worry on his face. He was heading the one direction of the Hospital Lab. I jumped in my seat, put my cup of milk (that Peter had given me) down and ran after him.

The Avengers called out for me to come back and not to go but I kept on running after Thor. He saw me and stopped and surprised me by picking me up. "I wanna see my dad," I said and Thor started to fight me on that request. "Let me see my dad," I said and glared at him. He knew he had lost the fight as he was such a softy and put me down. The fact I could summon knives also helped me win agreements with him not to mention he couldn't say no to his niece. He held my hand as I was struggling to stand up and we walked together to the hospital lab.

We arrived and I saw Tony and Bruce talking about my dad. Neither man had a good expression on there face and I shivered when I thought about what could be wrong to make them look so disheartened. They turned to see us and Tony put a hand on his head. "Why'd you bring her?" He asked and Thor gulped. 

Thor knew the reason he brought me wasn't going to help but he tried anyway. "She wanted to see him." He said and smiled softly but they still weren't happy about it. Tony and Bruce sent me outside the room and into the hall. I tried to get them to let me stay but eventually, I agreed and I slumped into the floor then listened to their argument.

Time Jump

After their discussion that I listened to outside the room, they agreed on one thing. My father would go back to Asgard to be healed as they could help him better. I would go back too but a week after my father so that he would be in better shape for me to see him when I got there. I hated that idea and ran back to my room ignoring Peter's yells as I ran past him.

I went into my room and closed the door then slumped on the floor, my back against the door. "Fray? Freya, are you alright?" Peter asked and the door nob turned softly. I moved so he could open the door. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. He had grabbed the kitten from his room where it had been sleeping. "You need to name her," He said while I stroked the kitten.

"Let's name her Tasha Sigyn of Midgard," I said and Peter agreed on her name as he knew the significance of the name 'Sigyn'. I had told him one day after he asked what had happened to my mother. I told him and he told me what had happened to his. The kitten seemed to like the name and purred a little.

I smiled and spend the rest of the day talking to Peter about random things that popped into my head. For most of that afternoon, I felt happy and had a sense of safety with Peter by my side. Spending time with Peter distracted me from my worries but when 4 pm came everything came crashing down again. Thor told me he was leaving with Loki now and I could see him soon back on Asgard but I wasn't having it. I fought the whole time and Peter had to hold me back from stabbing Thor to stop him from taking my father away. Thor was carrying my dad in his arms and called out to the Bifrost. It came from the sky so I threw some daggers into it as Thor stepped inside. I knew it was dangerous to throw knives into the Bifrost but I didn't care. I needed to be with my dad. They could have at least let me say goodbye to him. I screamed for Thor to take me with him but it was too late.

They were gone.

Please come back, I need you. Please, I never got to say goodbye. I need my dad. I thought to myself as I watched the Bifrost disappear.  

Peter held me by the forearms keeping me from escaping as the Bifrost disappeared. At that moment I hated him for stopping me but I knew he was doing what was right. "DAD!" I screamed one last time before Peter let me go and I started crying again.

"Fray, come on. He's going to get better care." Peter said and went to hug me but I jumped away from him and ran to my room. I slammed the door and climbed onto the lounge and glared out of the window. I wanted so bad to call upon the Bifrost myself but knowing Heimdall could see me and wouldn't answer. 

I decided to speak to Heimdall because I knew he could see me no matter where I went. "Heimdall, You better make sure my dad stays safe. I will kill you if anything happens to him." I tried to threaten but It was hard because I had tears rolling down my face. 

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