Izuku x Reader part 4, Intruder!

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Y/N POV (I woke up and and went into the kitchen.) "Izuku?" "I walked up to the door and there was a note" (Y/N I'm going to go shopping be back in a while) "Dammit I wanted to go with him!" "I thought, oh well I'll just go take a nap until he gets back." "I went into the bedroom and started to sleep." "I suddenly heard something fall and break." "I ran downstairs and there was a man trying to steal stuff." "Oh hey there kid." "What the hell are you doing here?!" [I said angrily. I grabbed my bat and swung it at him] He grabbed the bat and then pulled out a shotgun. (Oh shit! Where's Izuku he should be here by now!!!) "Your gonna regret trying to stop me kid." "He fired a shot at me but I doged it." (Or so I thought I did) "Got you he said with a grin." "W-what! Gah?!" "I looked down and my stomach was bleeding." Ngh! (I fell to my knees, No I can't die I want to experience so much with Izuku) "I started to bleed out he walked up to me pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the shoulder." "Y/N I'm back I got- Y/N!" "Huh, who's this?"  "Faster than lightning he charged up his power." Your gonna regret ever stepping foot in this house I'll beat you to a pulp!!!" "8% SMASH!!" "Izuku's punch blasted (The man through the window and he hit the backyard fence, flew through hit the shed wall, flew through it and then fell to the ground knocked out!) "Y/N No no no no no!" "You've been shot, you've been stabbed! Dammit! I shouldn't have left! I should have just waited until tommorow!" "I-i'll be okay Izuku I'm~ I'll~ Everything went black." "I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a bright light." "I was in the hospital bed and Izuku was there crying." "He's awake the doctor said." "Oh my god! Your awake Y/N!" "He sat on the side of the bed and kissed me gently." "I was so worried!" "Y-yeah I-i tried to stop him but I failed. I should have been stronger." "No, Y/N you tried, and that's enough, all that matters is that you tried your best!" "T-thanks Izuku." (I smiled and Izuku held my hand.)

"He will need about ten days to heal from the shotgun wound

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"He will need about ten days to heal from the shotgun wound." "Alright doctor, Izuku said crying." "I- I'll stay here every day until he heals." "Ok you can sleep on the couch over there since your staying a while." "Thanks so much doctor."

[And that was part 4 of Izuku X Reader. Hope y'all enjoyed! see y'all later for part 5!]

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