Izuku X Reader part 45 : Y/N's surprise~

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Izuku POV

(I got up and made breakfast for Y/N
and I, but I was thinking about what would Y/N think would be fun today)
"Hmm, I wonder what does Y/N enjoy's the most..." "Oh I have an idea"
(I got on my phone and called Kachann, to my surprise he- answered)
"Hey Deku, it's so early what do you want?" "Well Y/N had semmed really down lately so I figured you coming over would cheer him up."
"Tch, fine i'll come over."
(Y/N walked into the kitchen and had a strange look on his face)
"Izuku your up earlier than usual whats going on?" "Oh nothing! I just had to wash some dishes from last night hehe!" (Suddenly we heard someone knocking at the door)
"Huh knowone ever comes to the house this early I wonder who it is"
"Hey Demon Slut, you gonna let me in or not huh?" "O-oh i'm very sorry I didn't know it was you Katsuki Sir!"
"W-what are you doing Katsuki?!"
"Well Deku has to go out of town and needs me to babysit your ass, thats pretty much it though"
"Bye Y/N have fun with Kachann!"
"Bye Deku go do whatever it was you said to me, didn't really care"
"K-Katsuki Sir what are you- A-ah my neck~" "Looks like I've already found your sweet spot, Slutty Demon."
"Beg just like a puppy for me, now"
"Katsuki I want it so bad, please-
M-mmf~" "Your mine and Deku's, open your mouth now Demon Slut"
(I shuddered and obeyed as Katsuki said, as he gagged me with his fingers)
"You better listen if you want your reward right Y/N?~" "Y-yesh I will-
be good, promise~"
"Thats your weakness you love having something in your mouth right?~"
"Muh huh~"
(I gagged a little as Katsuki smacked my ass with a small explosion)
"I slowly reached down to touch my member shuddering" "Awe does someone wanna cum?~"
"I quickly nodded and whimpering"
"God, your such a mess"
(Kachann leaned forward and whispered in my ear)
"Cum~ now~"
(I gagged and whimpered spilling all over the wall and floor, Kachann pulled out and tossed me on the bed)
"Go to the shower and clean yourself up, Slut." "M-mn~, yes sir."

Ok I did realese the next part. But I deleted it. I had killed off Bakugou, and felt horrible about it. I think i'm going to take a break from writing this story. Ive felt really deppressed lately, and I hope you all enjoyed this story so far. I will write more I promise you all that. Comment if you want me to continue the story.
Bye for now ✌❤

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