Izuku X Reader part 19 Punishment

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Izuku POV

"I woke up in the middle of the night and heard moaning coming from Y/N and my room I walked up to the door and cracked it open." "F-fuck Izuku~" "I've been really bad p-please punish me~" "Nya~". "My eyes widened and I blushed as he was touching himself and watching some videos
on the internet" 😏. "I slowly closed the door and walked into the living room and went to sleep on the couch." "Y/N POV I woke up and it was morning so I walked into the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal and started to eat with Izuku." "So how about you tell me about that video you were watching last night." "Pffft!" "W-what are you talking about Izuku?" "You know what I'm talking about Y/N." "N-no I don't know what your talking about!" "Oh?" "Well I saw your search history on your laptop earlier." "N-no that must have been from when Mineta came over!"
"I know your lying to me Y/N and you know what happens when you lie to me." (G-gulp.)
"Go into the bedroom and take off your clothes." "B-but." "Now Y/N!" "O-ok!" "I waited about 5 minutes and then went into the bedroom." "Y/N you know you don't need those videos when you have me right?" "I-im sorry Izuku." "No don't say that whats my name?" "I'm sorry Daddy." Smack! "Say it like you mean it!" "I'm sorry Daddy!~" "Good boy~" "I-i'm going to go to the"-- "No your not, your punishments not over yet Y/N~". "Get on the bed NOW." "Y-yes Daddy." "I got on top of Y/N and began to leave bitemarks all over his neck." "P-please Daddy I'm sorry i-ive learned my lesson i'm sorry I was a bad boy!" "I hope that's true or else I'm gonna punish you even harder next time." "N-no you won't have to do that I won't do it again!" "Good boy~" "Now lets get you washed up~"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this part of Izuku X Reader part 19 see you next time for part 20! 😘❤

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