Izuku x reader part 9: The park.

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(I woke up in Izuku's arms and went into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast. After I woke Izuku up and we ate brekfast.) "Hey Izuku?" "Yeah Y/N?" "Can we go to the park please?" "I think it would be really fun." "Sure Y/N I'll do anything to make you happy!" "I got my clothes on and then Izuku got ready and we drove to the park." (We walked down the trail and listened to the sound of the river flowing, the birds chirping, bees buzzing through the air.)
"Wow Izuku this is really nice." "Yeah it really is YN." "Hey Izuku do you think we could go shopping after were done with the trail?" "Sure Y/N I'll do anything for you to be happy!" "Awe Izuku that's why I love you. Your so sweet, strong, protective, and a really amazing boyfriend too me."
"We walked for a while until we stopped at a bench near the lake." "Hold on Izuku I'm a little tired of walking and it's a little hot out here." "Here Y/N have some water."
"Thanks Izuku." "I leaned my head on his shoulder and rested for a bit." "Alright Izuku I'm ready to go now." "Ok Y/N let's go I'm excited!" "We finished the trail and went back to the car and drove into town." "Hey Izuku can we go shopping?" "Sure Y/N. We walked in and I saw a jean jacket I really liked, and Izuku saw a All Might hat he liked, we bought both and drove back home." "Izuku?"
"Yeah Y/N?" "You know what I think we should do when we get home?"
"I think we should have some fun time if you know what I mean~"
"U-um y-yeah fun hehe!"
(Izuku's cute little face turned red as a tomatoe. We got home and Izuku and I walked through the door already kissing we layed on the bed and ripped off my shirt super fast.)

And that's the end of Izuku X Reader part 8! Hope y'all enjoyed. Sorry to end so suddenly but I'm really tired.
But I promise I'll make another part tommorow! Love ya'll! 😘

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