Izuku X Reader part 56: One Above All info

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Name: Zah's

Age: Incomprehensible

Aliases: The One Above All, Creator of existence.

Children: Y/N, Samiel Death, Abbadon Manip, Michael Sun, Wayett Life.

Affliction: God of creation

Base of operations: Secret

Identity: Private

Citizenship: Private

Marital status: Mother Nature
(Killed by Y/N)

Occupation: Island outside of Japan.

Gender: Male

Eyes: Yellow  (Glowing)

Hair: Light grey

Unusual features: 8ft tall surrounded by gold lightning, glowing white in presence.

Origin: Unknown

Universe: Unable to access.

Place of birth: Immeasurable

Weaknesses: None


Create and Delete: This allows One Above All to bring or destroy anything in existence.

Super strength: Able to destroy universe's with his punches.

Immortal: Able to live forever.

Invulnerable: Unable to take any form of damage.

Teleportation: This allows One Above All to transport anything thoughout the universe just by touching it.

Divine light: This allows One Above All to form a bright white light from his body, blinding those with impure souls.

Healing: This allows One Above All to heal any wound no matter the size or damage with the wave of his hand.

Evil immunity: The One Above All unable to be touched by evil or
[Impure souls]

Universal existence: This allows One Above All to become the universe. Knowing all, and being everywhere at all times.

Weather manipulation: This allows One Above All to control the weather.

Reality manipulation: This allows One Above All to bendand alter reality itself  with only a thought.

Lightspeed travel: This allows One Above All to move 9000,000% faster than the speed of light without much effort.

Eyes of future: This allows One Above All to see as far into the future as he wants.

Eyes of future: This allows One Above All to see as far into the future as he wants

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