Izuku X Reader part 26: Save him

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(I woke up and made breakfast for Izuku and I.) "W-wow Y/N that was really good!" "Thanks babe, Aagh!!!"
"Y/N whats wrong?!" "I-i just felt an insane amount of demonic power from town!" "Should I go with you?!" "No! It's too dangerous stay here!"
"O-ok!" ( I ran out the door) "Snap"
( I checked every alleyway)
"P-please let me go!!"
"Shut the hell up you twerp!"
(He kicked that boy in the stomach) "Hey you motherfucker get your hands off of him!" Who are you some kind of hero? "Agh! Mm"- Snap!!
( I moulded his body into the wall)

) "W-wow Y/N that was really good!" "Thanks babe, Aagh!!!""Y/N whats wrong?!" "I-i just felt an insane amount of demonic power from town!" "Should I go with you?!" "No! It's too dangerous stay here!" "O-ok!" ( I ran out the door) "Snap" ( I checke...

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"Hey kid, your a Demon aren't you?"
"T-this power!" "I've sensed it before!"
"King Y/N is that you?!" "W-Wayett thats you isn't it?" "O-ok give me a second my King."

"That's the boy I remember, ok first thing call me Y/N

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"That's the boy I remember, ok first thing call me Y/N." "O-ok Y/N- May I stay with you on Earth?!"
"Sure if my husband is ok with it." *Snap!*
"Y/N are you?!- Who is this?!"
"This is our son Wayett."
"H-hello Mr. Midoriya!" "I've been watching over you and Y/N from Purgatory for quite some time now!"
"Izuku?" "Y-yes Y/N?" "You know how you had that dream about us having a kid?" "Yeah why?" "This is the kid from your dream." "W-what?!" "Haaa!" Thud!
Well shit he passed out.
(4 minutes later)

"Wayett I casts an illusion on that window to give it a city background like in Purgatory so you'll feel more at home

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"Wayett I casts an illusion on that window to give it a city background like in Purgatory so you'll feel more at home." "W-would it be ok if I called you Dad?" "Sure I guess." "T-thank you so much!"
"I got really bored in Purgatory!" "Yourwelcome Wayett."
"Goodnight Dad!"

I hope you all enjoyed this part of Izuku X Reader! I was really excited to make this part! See you next time for part 27!

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