Izuku X Reader part 59: Unexpected events

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Izuku POV

(Y/N had semmed kind of bored lately so I invited Kachann and Kirishima over and we went out and started walking to town.)

"Y/N why didn't you just teleport us to where we are going?" "Because I wanted to see what sexy noisy boom boom boy would do" "Oi what did you just call me you demon Slut!"
"N-nothing Katsuki Sir..."
"Baku-bro calm down alright?"
"Well it would have been easier if he had teleported us like I asked."
"Stop complaining dammit Deku!"
"Kachann if you don't stop yelling at my husband i'll delete your fucking vocal cords alright?"
"Tch, fine whatever I guess..."
"Hey Y/N?" "Yeah Kirishima?"
"It's been a while since I had last seen you so can you tell me a little about yourself?" "Well, My mom is the creator of Earth and my dad created the universe, I could care less about my brother Samiel he's insane, my brother Abbadon is at Purgatory's bridge, and my brother Michael is in the core of Earth's sun, soaking up the radiation as we speak." "W-wait Y/N I thought you said you killed Samiel?!"
"No Izuku that was just a joke."
"You can't joke about something like that Y/N, he's your brother!"
"Yeah well I couldn't give less of a shit if he dropped dead, actually nevermind he's immortal like me."
"Oi Demon Slut how much further until we're at our destination?!"
"A little bit further- Oh wait, shit, I forgot where I was taking us."
"Dammit if we're lost i'll bite your demonic little neck!!"
"Hmm, sounds kinky.. and fun.~"
"Y-Y/N?!" "Uhh yeah Izuku?"
"Your such a pervert..."
"Yeah and you love me for it.~"
"Y-yeah, I do love you Y/N- who in the world is that- Y/N!!"
"A-ack! Ooo ah, oh no ive been penetrated~... but by a knife!"
"W-what how are you not dead kid-"
(Suddenly before I could say anything
Y/N sucked the soul out of that man)
"Heh, my power level's a little bit higher now."
"Y/N you killed that villain, I told you not to do that!!" "Dont worry Izuku, if he survived the fall to Purgatory then my demons on death's bridge will probably take care of his soul."
"That dosent sound any better than prison you demon slut!- Oh shit."

"I suggest you all stand back, I don't want to have to fight you all so stop

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"I suggest you all stand back, I don't want to have to fight you all so stop."
"Y/N please change your erm, face back to normal." "Ok fine i'll change back into my human disguise."

"We're really far out now it's getting late, I think we should headback to the house ok guy's, I also dont want to get my leather jacket wet

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"We're really far out now it's getting late, I think we should headback to the house ok guy's, I also dont want to get my leather jacket wet. I smell rain coming close." "Fine coward, afraid of a little water eh?" "No, leather and water don't mix Baku-hoe."
"Oi what did you just call me you demon Slut!" "N-nothing Katsuki Sir."
"Heh that's what I thought."
"Y/N teleport us back to house please."
"Sure Izuku, on it." *Snap*
"Dammit I hate the rain!!"
"Yeah I never told you this Kachann but Y/N really dosent like water."
"Yeah the only time I like getting wet is when Izuku and I shower together."
"Y-Y/N you can't just blurt that out!"
"What why not i'm just being honest?"
"Kirishima and I are leaving, see you later Demon Slut." "Bye Kachann see you next week!" "Heh bye Deku."
"Well we didn't get to do anything today because it started fucking raining!" "Y/N stop getting so angry your as bad as Kachann."
"I'm sorry goodnight Izuku love you."
"Love you too Y/N."

I hope you all enjoyed this part of Izuku X Reader i'll see you next time for part 60! 😍😘❤💖💕💋

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