Izuku X Reader part 7 Hunting down criminals

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Warning: violence and fighting. 

"I woke up Izuku was still in bed and I
went into the washer room put on my jeans, black boots, White t-shirt and my black leather jacket and put a red bandana over my mouth."
Note: Izuku I'm going to go into town to buy something that I'll be able to defend myself with be back in a while. Even though that wasn't all I was doing. "I was tired of being weak, pathetic, unable to defend myself." "I wanted to punish the criminals that tormented the city." "I wanted to find the bastard that broke into our home, hurt me and caused my precious Izuku to get hurt." "I drove two the pawn shop in town and purchased
A colt python revolver, bought a few packs of ammunition and 4 grenades a throwing knife and some smoke bombs and a flare then I walked through town." "I went down an alley way and sat down and got behind a dumpster then loaded my revolver." "I walked around the corner of the alley way and heard some people talking." "I peaked my head around the corner and saw him." "The same man that broke into our home, the same man that could have hurt my Deku." "This time he had about 18 men with him." "They were in a corner talking though, nowhere to go, had a few random containers of gasoline around them too." "I shot the container of gasoline, lit the flare and threw it on the gasoline."
"Everything caught fire!" "I pulled the pins on the grenades and threw all four of them into the firey alley!" "What the fu-" Boom! "They flew and hit the brick wall!" N-ngh! "Two of the men got up and drew their knives." "Really?" "You brought knives to a gun fight?" "How stupid." "I shot both of them and they fell to the ground." "Hmph your the same idiot that shot me huh, looks like your utterlystupid luck has ran out." "S-sir please don't do this we won't ever come after you or your boyfriend again ok?!" "Your right, you wont." (I shot him and he fell to the ground dead.) "Well that wasn't so hard, I thought it would be more difficult oh well dumbasses had it coming. "Oh wait here we go that's something good I'm looking for" (I grabbed the bottle of ale and drank it.) (I got in my black camaroe and drove back two the house. "I walked in and put the revolver and the bowie knife in the cabinet.) "Y/N! I saw the note you left and I was worried, I'm  so happy your ok!" "Yeah Izuku I'm ok." "I'm so happy, I thought if you went into town you could get robbed or kidnapped!" "Poor Izuku broke down." "Y/N what were you really doing in town?!" "Huh?" "Why?" "Because I need to know!" "Well fine, I.... hunted down the same man that broke into the house and shot me." "He had a bigger group than I thought, but in the end, I killed them." "You killed them?!" "What if somebody finds out or finds out you did it?!" "You could go to jail!" "Izuku that's not gonna happen, even if it did, you know I can take care of myself." "I know Y/N but... fine I'll let it slide this time but please, dont put yourself in a situation were you have to kill someone again ok?" "I'll try Izuku." "Good, here settle down for a little bit, come lay with me on the couch."
(I got on the couch and layed with my sweet boyfriend.)
"I love you Y/N". 
"I love you too Izuku."

And that's the end of part 7 of Izuku X Reader! Hope y'all enjoyed it! See you in the next part! 😘

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