Izuku X Reader part 13 His secret is revealed!

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The weapon in the picture is your weapon to use.

(I lied to Izuku when I said I wouldn't hunt down criminals. They had to be punished for the crimes and terrible things they did. I put on my jeans, socks, Black leather boots, White
t-shirt, and my black leather jacket, and a red scarf, then got some smoke bombs and a can of gasoline and a AK47.)
(I had already got a thick rope and put it in a bag. I got on my motorcycle and took off. I rode for a while until I saw some man chained to a chair. Surrounded by 6 men.) "Shit"
(I parked my bike a little bit away from where they were. I grabbed the can of gasoline and walked to the corner of the alley way. They were all facing forward to the man that was tied up.)
"Please someone help me!" "Shut up!" (The man said, then he punched him in the nose knocking him out.) "HA! that's better" He said as they all laughed. (I set the handcuffs at the entrance and poured a trail of gasoline across it and lit it up.
The trail caught fire and I was trapped with them. They turned around and saw me.) "Who's this huh? Some kinda hero?"
"I'm no hero, and I'm not a villain. I'm just a guy that punishes evil people like you." "You can talk shit
but can you back it up?" "I sure can why don't you come at me and see of you can kill me?"
"Sounds fine to me, get e'm boys."
(The first man ran at me slashing his knife at me. I doged it and cracked the bat on his head. "One" (He fell over knocked out. The second man threw his knife, I caught it at the tip and threw it back and it pierced his shoulder.) "Ahg! Dammit you little shit you stabbed me!" Crack! (I hit him on the head knocking him out) "Two" (The third man swung a crowbar and I blocked it with my bat.
He pulled out a knife and went to stab me but I grabbed it and twisted his arm and he pierced himself in the chest.) "Ngh" (He fell over injured.)
(The fourth man shot at me and I ducked behind a box and he ran next to me and fired. The bullet hit my bat and thankfully didn't go through.)
(I punched him in the face and he fell over knocked out.) "Four"
(The fifth man had a bat of his own and swung at me. I blocked it and punched him in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him and I hit him in the face with the bat knocking him out.) "Five" (The sixth and final man the leader of this gang pulled out an axe and ran towards me.)
(I pulled out the AK47 and shot him in the thigh eight times.) "Agh! Y-you bastard i-ill." Crack! (I hit him on the head knocking him out. I went and got the rope and tied then up leaving a note for the police.) "Well that was fun but I promised Izuku I wouldn't hurt anyone anymore no matter how much I enjoy it."
(I got on my bike and drove back home.) "Y/N! Where did you go? Wait, did you go hurting criminals again?"
"U-um no" "Y/N are you lying to me?"
"O-ok Izuku I went out and hunted down the guy that broke into our house." "Really you found him?! Wait you didn't kill him did you?!"
"No I didn't."
"I fell to the floor breaking down crying." "Y-Y/N it's ok I'm here for you here let me help you!"
(Izuku picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and layed me in bed. He got in bed and layed next to me holding me in his arms.)
"It's ok Y/N your safe now I'm here."
"I love you Izuku always remember that."
"I know Y/N I love you too your mine one and only."
(He kissed me on the lips and we went to sleep.)

Hey I hope y'all enjoyed this part! I really enjoy making these for you all.
I hope you have a great day or night! Wherever you are see you next time for part 11! ❤

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