Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was an enchanted land called Fiore filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our world.

This is how it happened...

Erza looked at her reflection in the mirror of her bedchamber. She was dressed in a gown of purest silk while adorned with only the most precious of jewels and stones. She really did look like a real princess and in a few moments she would be a real princess. It had almost been an entire year since her one true love Prince Jellal had awakened her from the sleeping spell of the cursed spinning wheel which she had been tricked into pricking her finger upon. After that her beloved proposed marriage and now here they were on her wedding day. The happiest day of her entire life. In all the years she had been alive she never once thought that she would end up falling in love and getting married.

"You look breath taking."

At the sound of a voice from behind her, she turned from the mirror to see Natsu standing in the doorway. A hero well known throughout all of Fiore, Prince Jellal's most loyal knight, and Erza's dearest friend. Neither she or her fiance would even be here to celebrate this day had it not been for this man's heroic deeds and undying friendship. Which is why it was only natural that he be chosen to escort the bride when the couple realized that they had no living male relatives.

"Do you really think so?" She asked him.

"I know so and I can already picture the look on his majesty's face when he sees you."

"I'm trembling." She said looking down at her hands. "I wonder if all brides feel their hearts beating so."

"Well I've never been a bride so I can't say." He grinned.

She chuckled.

"It's almost time." He told her. "Are you ready?"


With her arm and his connected, they left the bedchamber with the royal ladies in waiting following behind. Upon entering the room where the ceremony was being held, all eyes turned toward the scarlet haired bride and they could not help but marvel at her radiance. Her prince who stood at the alter almost lost himself completely when he saw her. Until now he never thought that he could be more in love with her than he already was.

The salmon haired knight escorted her down the isle and when they reached the alter her hands joined with those of her bride groom. All became silent save for the minister and the royal couple who spoke their wedding vows.

"And do you Erza promise take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?" The minister asked her.

"I do." She vowed without the slightest hint of hesitation.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

At that declaration Erza and Jellal sealed their marriage vows with a kiss and everyone applauded them joyfully. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold and in that moment the two lovers thought that all would be happy and peaceful from now on. If only fate could have been kind.

At the exact moment their lips released their hold on each other a powerful wind blew open all the doors and windows, there was a bang. a crash, and a lighting flash. They all became stiff with fear and confusion over what was taking place. Then when it all cleared a figure appeared in the room. A woman. A young woman wearing regal attire that was quite dark, in fact every thing about her was dark save for her golden hair. They all knew who she was and what she was capable of. She was Lucy the Princess of Darkness.

It was she who had tricked Erza into pricking her finger on the cursed spindle of the spinning wheel and that wasn't her only sin. She had committed countless wicked deeds throughout the last three years but no one really knew why she had committed these acts or what her reasons were for being such a dark woman.

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