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"Why put yourself last?" I asked

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"Why put yourself last?" I asked.

"Because you're the one who made all this happen and I wouldn't want it any other way."

He put his arms on the table and did a flower pose, smiling cutely.


2 Weeks Later: 10AM

Hami's POV

I was just done feeding the kids when Jin gave me a call and told me to meet him at the company.

I left the house around 30 minutes later. I got to the building and was greeted with "welcome backs" and cheers. I smiled

I went up to his office, was pushed right back out by Jin saying that he has a surprise for me then we are going to talk about our next steps.

He took me down to where my brother and Namjoon studio's are. I was confused on why we were down here but I didn't ask any questions, I just followed Jin.

He takes me to a door that had my name on as a lable.

"Wait, you're joking right?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm not it's all yours, and 'No' isn't going to be a answer." He smiled genuinely at me.

"Can I check it out now?"

He nods at me.

I open the door to the office and it was pretty and small the way I like it.

I open the door to the office and it was pretty and small the way I like it

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"I love it." I smile brightly and give a small hug to Jin.

The only reason it was a small hug is because I'm short compared to all my flipping friends.

Anyways, Jin left me alone in the studio and went back up to his office.

After 20 minutes I'm still setting up and fixing things I want to I here a soft knock on the door.

"It's open!"

The door opens slowly I don't see anyone so I was confused until-


I saw Jungkook in animal form hop towards me with a piece of paper in his mouth. He hops up on my leg and I see that he was crying?.

"Kook, what's wrong?" I asked.

He dropped the paper in his mouth and nudged it towards me.

I unraveled the paper and what was there shocked me.


22 humans were attacked by hybrids in the past week. The government has called that all hybrid adoption stores be closed by next week. They also called that within the next month all hybrid owners from the low income range return their hybrid to this location. 385 Fredrick Great St. and Line Ave. the bottom floor. Any owners found with their hybrids will be thrown in jail and the hybrid will be sentenced. "The choice is yours."

Many hybrid stores upon the big news has been calling out for help but they feel like no one is listening. A lot of hybrid shop owners and low income range hybrid owners have started protesting about the government's reaction the these attacks and have been asking questions. "Have you done research on what hybrids those were?" "Who's gonna take care of me?" "What about my children who have grown attached?"
"Does our happiness not matter to this government?" "Who's going to motivate me to work this government puts me through?" "Who am I going to love?" "Why us?" "Why not everyone?" But the government hasn't responded to any type of questions from these communities.

Reporter Opinion:
It seems like the government is throwing harsh judgment to a small community with hybrids without research and it is making them look unprofessional, start troubles between communities. Is this what they want? If it is then this government is a shame.

After reading I felt some tears on the back of my shirt and came to realize that Kook had turned into his human form and was crying into my shoulder.

"Shhhh Kook, Everything will be okay we will do something to stop them okay... This problem is more than you and me can fix. We need more people, bud." I said to him.

He slips out of my hold and goes towards my window looking out of it in silence.

I took a picture of the paper and sent it to everyone (BTS, TXT & ?????).

|•| To Be Continued |•|

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|•| To Be Continued |•|

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