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"We got married?"

"It was popular Variety Show few years ago hyung. You know it's a variety show that paired some celebrities as a couple. Joy Noonim and Sungjae Sunbae was paired for almost 11 months and seems like their feeling develop during their time together"

"So basically they fell in love because they spent most of their time together?"

"Their characteristic matched perfectly and seems like they felt comfortable to one and another. But as time goes by, their fans start feel uncomfortable. Especially fans from Sungjae Sunbae. Moreover they are idols. You know, the rules of management are sometimes very strict. Especially about relationships."

"Are they still together?"

"They were forced to break up last year. It was so hard for both of them."


Joy twisted the edge of her jacket while sitting on the car seat that feels strange to her.

"Why are you so quite? Sorry that my car is so small. Are you okay? Is your legs okay?"

"Your legs are longer than mine Su Inn-ssi. I am totally fine"

She chuckled.

Actually she was surprised that Su Inn offered a ride to her. And now, knowing that Su Inn worried about her makes her feels so grateful that he drive her home. Well, she also doesn't need to ride any public transportation when her face looks all puffy.

"Is life as an idol went so hard for you Joiya?"


"You looks so tired today. Though I think that Red Velvet song is great, but seems like your promotion activities really drain you up. Am I right?"

"Well actually everything that Ji Seok-sunbae nim said earlier is right. This is my choice to be an idol. So I think every piece of it considered as responsibility for me. What makes me tired sometimes is the fact that I become an idol because I love to sing so much, but in the end people just see what shows on the outside more."

"Your appearance?"

Joy nodded.

"Even your life?"

Joy's eyes widen.

'Where this conversation will going?'

"Ah, I just curious since I heard some stories about you Joiya."

"Wh-what stories?"

Joy started to feel uncomfortable. And Su Inn felt so bad that he made this girl become akward because of their conversation.

"I am sorry Joiya, oppa didn't mean to bring this thing now." Su Inn look straight to the road as he tried to make Joy feels better.

Joy chuckled.


"No, I just observed the way you talk and calling yourself. You called yourself 'hyung' to the younger cast. And now you called yourself 'oppa' while with me"

"Is it bothering you too?"

'It makes me remember about him. Calling himself Oppa makes me remember about Sungjae-Oppa'

"Joiya, you okay?"

A tap on her shoulder made her jumped and the visuals inside her head dissipated. Her phone fell out as she reacted to the hand that touched her.


His smooth voice enclosed her being.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I tried calling you but you didn't answer me so I tapped on your shoulder instead."

Joy's eyes widen and she couldn't find any words. She sat there dumbfoundedly while urging herself to say something. Anything to keep the mouth moving instead of hanging open like this. Anything.


She mumbled so softly that even she can't make any sense about what she just said.

"You okay? I am sorry for bringing everything up. I was so curious after heard some stories from Sang Hyun Hyung and Seon Ho about you last time. Sigh, it is not even my right to ask you Joiya."

Joy unable to find the courage to respond. She felt heat radiating throughout her body, spreading to her cheek and ears.

'He is curious? Why?'

Joy exhaled. Gathering her courage before finally speak to the man beside her.

"Is it about Sungjae Oppa? We just broke up and I think it was enough for us"

As she ended her words, Su Inn car stopped right in front of her dorm. Makes her move to loosen her seatbelt and say goodbye to Su Inn.

"Thank you, Su Inn-ssi, see you soon,"

Joy open the door and wave her hand.

"Ah let me walk you," Su Inn suddenly loosen his seatbelt and open his car's door.

"You don't have to, it's cold.."

Joy couldn't continue her words when a voice that she was familiar with calling her name.


MOON RIVER ;; A MoonJoy Story | Moon Suin - JoyWhere stories live. Discover now