Chapter 4

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It had been nearly a week since Deceit had gotten past them and there had been no sign of him or either of his henchmen. This was not super uncommon, the supervillains were smart and careful, they weren't going to do anything that could put them in danger of getting caught.  But, Deceit and the Duke did like reminding them of their existence through smaller crimes such as defacing city property or pulling some sort of stupid prank. But this time, there was nothing.

Despite this, Roman still couldn't get his mind off of the other villain, Shadow Master or whatever. He looked Roman's age but if that were true then he would have been in high school when he started helping Deceit. Roman had never heard of someone who became a villain so young. What was his backstory? Or did he not have one? How did he even know Deceit? And the most important question in Roman's opinion, why couldn't he stop thinking about him?! 

He saw his face, so what? It wasn't that big of a deal. Roman saw hundreds of faces every day of his life, why did this one stick to him like some kind of first-grade art project gone wrong? The guy hadn't said anything except to let him go. And he hurt Patton! Why would anyone ever hurt Patton? Patton was one of his best friends, they've known each other for years. Patton was like a flower; innocent and pure and sometimes he kinda smelled funny, but mostly innocent and pure. And yeah, sure, he had kind of attacked Deceit but Deceit deserved it. Plus they had all been attacking Deceit. 

Hell, Logan had thrown a car at Deceit, Roman tried to light him on fire! All Patton had tried to do was tackle him. If anybody deserved to be shadowfied or whatever it was him or Logan. But not Patton. Definitely not Patton. This guy. This weird, shadow guy, had hurt his best friend, and him slightly, and yet Roman still couldn't help but think about him though. He really wasn't that bad looking- for a supervillain. And he had done a really good job on his makeup. And how-

"Roman!" Logan yelled.

Roman jumped, suddenly stomping on the brakes before looking at Logan and Patton. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, now fully alert.

"You were going to run a red. You could have killed us all!" Logan said, pointing to the very busy intersection in front of them. 

"Oh," Roman muttered, "Sorry, Logan. Sorry, Patton." 

"That's okay kiddo. Just pay more attention next time alright?" Patton said, obviously still slightly afraid of what could have happened had Logan not yelled to gain his attention, but willing to let Roman have another chance. 'Innocent and pure!' Roman thought as he faced the front and finished driving Logan to the office he worked at. 

Patton had the day off again and had wanted to join Roman as he delivered food to people. Roman didn't mind, after all, Patton was better company than Logan because he didn't mind it when Roman played Disney songs or musical's on repeat. He would even sing along to some, something Logan would never do. Most of the morning passed on without too much trouble, a customer had thrown a salad at him but it tasted really good, for a salad, so he didn't really mind. And, he had finally been able to stop thinking about that stupid shadow monster dude. 

"Roman!" Patton yelled as Roman and the rest of the cars nearby all swerved or broke to avoid the obstacles in the road.

Spoke too soon.


"Remus! Dee!" Virgil called into the house as he threw things out of his closet, "Have either of you seen my old mask? I can't find it anywhere," he gave up on the closet with a sigh and turned to his dresser.

"Old mask? Where's the one you wore last time?" Deceit asked

"I don't know, what's his name took it- Professor T or whatever- and now it's gone. And I-"

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