Chapter 12

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Day Two | Friday | March 11th

Virgil flinched and closed his eyes, freezing as he took a deep breath. "Virgil-"

"I know just- just give me a second," Virgil said, pulling at his sleeves uncomfortably. The others stared at him as the phone continued to ring. He took a long deep breath that shook as he let it out. Virgil answered the phone, putting it on speaker once again, "H- hello?"

"Virgil, where are you?" Remus's asked.

"I'm in-"

"Before you answer that, you should know that Dee and I are at the address you sent us and you're not here. No one has seen you, and according to the owner, nobody has checked into the motel since Monday so you better be very careful about how you answer. Because unless you have a way to get here in the next two minutes, you're dead."

Virgil brought his knees up to his chest as he sat on the floor, the others didn't say anything, they couldn't. Patton moved around the couch towards him, not touching him but slowly taking a seat next to him. Virgil glanced at him but then looked back at the phone as he took long deep breaths "Remus! Is that him? Where is he?" Deceit's voice came closer before it was only his talking, "Virgil, where are you? And do tell me Georgia because you obviously are here. You didn't lie Virgil. I shouldn't have known. Where are you? Tell me later."

Virgil took a deep breath before he spoke, "Florida." They had agreed earlier that the best thing they could do is tell the truth. Not all of it, but part of it.

Deceit said nothing "Which part?" there was so much anger in the voice.

"I can't tell you that," Virgil told the phone.

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you that either"

There was another pause, the sound of fabric moving than he spoke again "Do you think this is a game, Virgil? Don't tell me where you are right now or I swear you won't regret it."

"No," Virgil said, how were those the two hardest letters he's ever said? 'Deep breaths Virge. Deep breaths' He thought. He closed his eyes tightly and focused on keeping his breathing even, he had been doing a good job since the call started, but it was getting harder.

"No? That is going to work Virge. You do get to say no. You do get to run away and get away with it." Deceits voice said. There was the sound of a car door opening before it slammed shut, another following. "You don't get to say no, you're a criminal. You don't get to say no to us. We aren't a family! Since when do you say no to family!?"

"It's just a paper!" Virgil yelled suddenly, the cuff around his hand sending another painful shot through him. Everyone else in the room jumped. Virgil took a deep breath before he continued "It doesn't mean anything. It hasn't for a long time"

Silence echoed through the phone. But this time was worse than the times before it. This time it was heavy, it was dangerous, it was loud. "Last chance Virgil. Where are you?" His voice was powerful, angry. It was the only sound anybody focused on. It made Virgil want to tell the truth, all of it, not just some of it.

'Almost there.' He told himself, he opened his eyes again, he hadn't noticed the other two had also come closer to Virgil and Patton. "I'm not telling you that." The breath he took before he said it was shaky and quiet, but the words didn't show that.

"Fine," The engine roared to life "You won't regret this Virgil. I won't-"

The call ended suddenly, Logan cleared his throat "I did not think it was necessary to hear him finish speaking. I have ended the call"

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