Night Adventure

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Josh's Room - 11:35 pm

Josh's P.O.V

When checking the time on my phone, I noticed that it was still 11:35 pm. Only one minute has gone by and I was getting more and more impatient.

And from waiting so long, I ended up falling asleep. I tried to fight my eyes so they wouldn't close on their own, but I couldn't win this battle. Sleep was stronger than me.

After napping for a while, I woke up startled and quickly grabbed my phone. As soon as I checked the time (00:25 am), I got out of bed in despair.

Shit, shit, shit! Rachel is going to kill me!

Then I went to the closet, grabbed my black hoodie, put it on, and fixed my hair quickly in front of the mirror. After that, I put my phone in my pocket and left the room.

The dorm hallway looked different this time. It was darker than usual and much colder than it had been a short time ago. It didn't even look like the same hallway. What happened to the weather?

The air in that place was so cold that when it hit my nose, it froze my lungs. Exaggerations, I know. But that's what it looked like. It was hella cold in here.

Unable to see anything at all, I put my hand in my phone pocket and pulled it out. As soon as I turned on the flashlight, I came across a foggy hallway. Where did this cold come from? Since when are we having extreme climate change?

After I walked down that foggy, creepy hallway, I went to the boys' dorm exit. As soon as I opened the door to the outside, I noticed that the place was different.

Wait... What the fuck? Was it like this before? I don't remember seeing these things when I passed by.

With a strange look in my eyes, I headed towards the gate that led to the main courtyard. But when I got there, I heard a voice calling me.

???: - Josh! Josh, I'm here! Look at me! I'm here, Josh!

At that moment, I froze my spine. Then I turned around and saw a person dressed in black. That person had a hood on their head and I couldn't see their face because it was dark.

Josh: - Uh... Hey.

The person said nothing. It looked more like a man than a woman and was the same height as me.

Josh: - Are you lost? Who are you?

After that, the hooded guy raised his hands and a chain appeared between his fingers. I followed the body of the chain with my eyes and was startled to see that they were stuck in my arms, literally in my flesh.

Josh: - Oh, shit! What the fuck?!

Then the hooded guy pulled me violently against my will and dragged me across the floor of that place.

I tried to fight him, but for some reason he seemed to be stronger than me. I even tried to scream for help, but my voice got stuck in my throat and wouldn't come out. I was extremely desperate looking for some way to stop it, but nothing worked.

When I got close to a huge hole in the ground that I didn't even know was there, the hooded guy let go of the chain and grabbed me by the collar. With that, he dragged me to the edge of the hole and held me.

???: - Don't worry, Josh. Everything will make sense later.

Looking at his face, I saw a mask with blood and a smile sewn into it.

Suddenly, he pulled out a knife from somewhere and stabbed me in the chest. But for some reason, I didn't feel any pain.

???: - You belong to us!

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