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Tsukiko looked through the things that Tsunade had sent to her apartment early in the morning. Most of the things belonged to Tsukiko's mother, Tsukimi, and Tsukiko's grandparents. Tsunade had wanted to talk to Tsukiko and the younger had allowed Tsunade to say what she wanted but Tsukiko had nothing to say.

Tsunade had been open about Tsukimi and told Tsukiko everything she knew of her mother. Tsukiko had quietly listened to everything, trying not to cry. It felt strange for her to be talking to a woman who was fifty years old and her cousin. Once Tsunade had left did Tsukiko get out of her bed and head out.

The whole village was busy putting itself back together and Tsukiko gladly helped out anyone that required it. She wasn't shy of using her Wood Style either – she could care less. Before long, everyone's going to know about her relation to the Hokages of Konohagakure as well. Her name must've been added into the book already.

Tsukiko looked up at the Hokage Monument in the distance – she was somehow related to every single one of the four, and soon five. Senju Hashirama was her granduncle, Senju Tobirama was her grandfather, Sarutobi Hiruzen had acted in as her foster father, and Namikaze Minato... He was related to her father, wasn't he? And Tsunade was her cousin.

"Tsukiko-Chan!" Naruto shouted. Tsukiko turned around and saw Naruto rushing down the street at her as she finished helping a woman get buckets of water into her house. Her eyes fell on the necklace on Naruto's chest.

Tsunade had passed her a necklace of similar make that Tobirama originally owned, which he gave to Suzuran, who passed it to their daughter Tsukimi. The necklace was in her pouch but Tsukiko was not sure she would ever be happy to wear it like Naruto. He had no relation to the necklace but that it was the First Hokage's.

"I was going out to help out around the village, too!" Naruto said. "Come on, we can go together. I wonder if Sakura-Chan would like to come along," Tsukiko smiled and nodded at him as the two of them set off down the street to see what they could do. "I'm going to do my best today!"

Tsukiko and Naruto turned around the corner, and came to an abrupt stop when they almost ran into someone. And that someone happened to Rock Lee, who was still walking around with his crutches. Tsukiko wondered if he still wasn't feeling well.

"Oh, it's Bushy Brow!" Naruto acknowledged. Lee looked rather surprised to see the two of them there and wasn't smiling like usual.

"Oh... Good morning, Naruto-Kun and Tenshi-Chan," Lee greeted. Tsukiko smiled and greeted him back, "Good morning, Lee,"

"Hey, hey, did you already get checked out by Granny Tsunade?" Naruto questioned excitedly. Lee looked rather taken aback. "How was it, how was it? Konoha is in great trouble right now, so we must do our best!"

"You're right," Lee replied quietly and Tsukiko noticed now just how downcast his eyes really looked. It didn't seem like he slept last night either.

"Bushy Brow, you should get better as soon as possible and succeed in your missions!" Naruto continued. Tsukiko was about to question Lee about his help when –

"Naruto Nii-Chan! Tsukiko Nee-Chan!" Moegi and Udon shouted as they came rushing down the street toward the two Jinchuriki.

"Moegi-Chan, Udon-Kun," Tsukiko said as the two children came to a heaving stop. "What's the matter? Is everything all right?"

"It's Konohamaru-Chan!" Moegi said. Tsukiko, Naruto and Lee all shared a curious look before turning to look back at the kids.

"Usa?" Tsukiko asked. "What's wrong with Konohamaru-Kun?"

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