The Demon cares

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Chapter 17




This is more of a fluff-16+ chap??? I dunno what to call that. Fluffy *kinda* smut chapter? It sounds wrong... it's not even full blown smut but anyway- you get it right? It's that. Lol. Ok but I love this chapter so hehe. I need to stop talking.

The cold contrast of the outer layer to the warmth on the inside of the weighted blanket is what woke the pink haired male up.

Squinting through his eyelids, the familiar white walls graced his vision.

"What the heck-" he mumbled to himself as he sat up straight, rubbing his eyes. Wet patches of soaked cotton gauze falling on the blanket.


"Oh- you're up-"

Taehyung snapped his head up to look at the raventte who walked in with a glass of water in his hands.

"How the fuck did I end up here?" Taehyung rasped, his voice still not accommodated to his normal tone, making it sound deeper than usual.

"I brought you here" Jungkook replied, placing the glass on bedside table.

"Wait- How?!"

"I carried you." The raventte replied with a casual shrug.

"You what?!- you carried me?!!" Taehyung yelped, his eyes widening.

"I mean not all the way here- I drove you here ofcourse. I carried you to my car cause you were mildly passed out" Jungkook replied, giving a little thought.

"Wait wait wait." Taehyung waved his hands with confusion "how the- so you're telling me.... all those people back at the company... saw you carrying me to your car?!"

Jungkook hummed "yeah... I guess?"

Taehyung's jaw dropped "Are you fucking dense?! They saw me- and you- jesus- I... I'm going to get fired-"

"Can you calm down for a second." Jungkook rolled his eyes "I only met two staff on the way- and they asked me what happened? So I said you have a mild case of epilepsy and you were knocked out due to exhaustion"

"Epilepsy?! What the hell- that's not on my medical records you dumbass!"

"Well the other reason is the truth anyway- you did knock out from exhaustion." Jungkook subtly smirked.

"Jungkook-" Taehyung sighed "you do realise if people will suspect anything- we're both done for. "

"Nothing's gonna happen- for the most part I'm sure they'll call me a hero for saving a poor employees life" Jungkook grinned as he sat on the soft mattress.

Taehyung tolled his eyes and looked away "Why did you bring me here?"

"Did you want me taking you back to your apartment and have me explaining to your roomies?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

Taehyung slumped, an irritated groan leaving his lips "okay you're right"

Jungkook proceeded to pick up the soaked cotton gauze and dip it in a bowl placed aside as Taehyung zoned out for a bit.

"What's the time?" Taehyung looked back at Jungkook, his eyes catching the cotton gauze pads in the raventte's fingers.

"3.30pm" Jungkook answered as he gently pushed the male back on the bed.

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