Unexpected Visit

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Betty's POV
I woke up one day at Mr Jones's house it was the middle of the month in October and I got sick two days ago I've been staying at his home to not be alone. While Mr Jones's went to school and gathered the homework from Veronica. I laid in bed because I was really weak, it's hard for me to walk and it was almost time to leave school that day, which means he'll be coming soon. I sniffled and blew my nose and coughed I groaned a few minutes passed by and I heard the door and running up the stairs I saw Mr Jones and he sighed "still sick?" I nodded and sneezed and coughed I groaned, he chuckled and rubbed my shoulders I smiled and he kissed my head and said "your homework is right here..." he handed me a folder I smiled "thank you..." I said in a nasally voice I got a phone call from Veronica and picked it up "V?" She then said "B! I just saw your parents van they are on there way home!" I gasped and said "uhhh okay thank you!" I got out of the bed and got my clothes on but I was very weak Mr Jones's said "hey! Get back in bed!" I shook my head "I'm... not..." and then I fainted. I woke up in Mr Jones's bed he saw me and smiled "thank god..." I gulped "my parents! They're home Mr Jones!" He gulped and smirked "I have an idea!" He picked me up and we went downstairs we got into his car and he drove me to my parents house "what are you doing!" I yelled, he said "trust me okay?" I nodded and he lifted me out of his car and grabbed my bag and he rung the doorbell, I saw my mom and she gasped "Elizabeth!" Mr Jones's walked inside "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Cooper I was noticing your daughter has been looking very ill and today she almost past out during our talk for the school paper." My mom sighed "don't worry but she has a temperature." She smiled and said "thank you..." Mr Jones smiled and said "I'm her English teacher Forsyth Pendleton Jones the Third and I'm also called Jughead by close friends." My mom smiled and my dad shook Mr Jones's hand "thank you Mr Jones your a good man." He nodded and whispered into my ear "call me..." I sniffled and he said "I better not see you at school Elizabeth!" He closed the door and my mom said "you were an idiot Elizabeth!" I looked down "I just didn't wanna let you down mom..." she smiled and said "let's get you to bed..." I nodded and we went upstairs. After a while I called Mr Jones and said "hi..." I said he chuckled and said "you okay?" I modded "I'm surviving...and why didn't you tell me your name was Forsyth? Or Jughead!" He chuckled and said "I really better not see you at school tomorrow." I coughed and blew my nose and said "please...I want to see you..." he let out a light laugh and I heard him say "how about...I see you now?" I was confused and I heard something at my window I saw him and carefully opened it he smiled and was about to kiss me I scoffed "I'm sick!" He rolled  his eyes and came inside he kissed my forehead and rubbed my back I groaned "I wanna kiss you..." he smiled and said "I don't care if I get sick..." I looked down and pouted I leaned my head on his head, he rubbed my arm and said "I only have a little time so I was gonna ask since... your you know sick and your parents how about on Halloween...we go visit my parents?" I smiled and kissed him I then backed away "I'm sorry!" He chuckled and shook his head "but do you?" I nodded and he smiled and said "I...I can't wait for you to meet them..." I agreed and he said "I'm gonna go okay? Text me anything you need." I nodded, he kissed me, I giggled and he left I then decided to go downstairs. I saw my mom cooking me some soup I smiled and she said "feeling better?" I nodded "a bit" she smiled and said "so I want you to go to school tomorrow." I was confused "why?" She smiled "Elizabeth...missing school is unacceptable" I gulped "but...what if I get worse?" She shrugged "you came downstairs and look fine." I looked down and looked back up in anger and ran upstairs. Soon she came up with some food "eat up and go to bed, a good nights rest will help you." I sighed and she left I wanted to go back to Jughead's house I was miserable here. I don't feel great and she's making me go to school!? I finished eating my food and my dad came in smiling "feeling any better?" I shook my head and he said "I love you Elizabeth you know that..." I smiled and nodded "I know, you always tell me you love me, and how many times do I have to say I love you just as much dad?" He smiled and kissed my head of hair and stroked it then left. I sighed and laid in bed nervous for tomorrow and I soon fell asleep.

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