Draining Fun!

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Betty's POV
I finished peeing and walked out and back into the party I saw Nick again he smiled as I stumbled "you okay?" I nodded he handed me his coat, I smiled and he held me close to him "wh-what are you doing?" He smiled "I like you...and I want you..." I was confused "h-huh? What do you mean?" He smirked as I began to close my eyes he was about to kiss me until I felt someone pull me away.

Jughead's POV
I got to the party and looked for Betty I saw Veronica and Archie dancing very sexually and I asked "where's Betty?!" She shrugged "I think...near the bathrooms..." I sighed and ran suddenly I saw a little boy trying to kiss her I shoved him off "the hell man!" He saw me "mess with her mess with me" he gulped and Betty threw up in a trash can, I rubbed her back she said "he put...something in my drink Juggie..." I glared at him and grabbed his collar "you really wanna mess with me?" He shook his head "good" I shoved him and he ran I focused back on Betty rubbing her back as she coughed and vomited again, I took the cape off of her she spit and I said "come on let's go." She shook her head "V..." I sighed "come on..." I held her hand dragging her to my car and she said "I want you..." as she began playing with my belt, I chuckled "your drunk, never..." she crossed her arms and began pouting as I drove back to my house . After her shower she came out smiling at me "that felt better, thank you..." I nodded she snuggled up with me and she sighed "I'm sorry..." I looked at her she smiled and said "im super sorry I'm just...were ten years apart and I'm not worrying about colleges, yet...you want to publish books in New York." I nodded and said "we will figure out something I promise..." she nodded and kissed me I smiled and brought her onto my lap she giggled and held my face I smiled and said "your the best thing to ever happen to me..." she smiled and nodded "I agree...what's funny is my cousin Cheryl wanted me to date a boy that was my age, yes this secret, what we're keeping isn't good but...your the greatest thing to happen to me, and I wouldn't change it for any hairstyle, clothing, anything in the world...I just want you..." i smiled and kissed her she held my face and kissed me back as she said "we should turn off the lights right?" I nodded and we shut them off.

The next day
It was luckily a Saturday I woke up seeing Betty in my shirt and with only that and underwear I chuckled and rubbed her waist "hey..." she turned around smiling and rubbing her eyes "good morning Mr Jones..." I smiled saying "you can call me Jughead" and I kissed her head "I wanted to ask you something actually...in two weeks before Thanksgiving since I'm going away and your spending it with your parents... my sister has a soccer game I wanted to know if you'd come with me?" She smiled and nodded and kissed me suddenly my laptop started buzzing. I opened it seeing a missed FaceTime from Jellybean. I smiled and asked Betty "do you wanna see my family visually?" She nodded and I called Jellybean, she picked up saying "Juggie!" I chuckled "hey Jellybean you okay?" She nodded and said "Juggie...who is that?" I smiled "this Jellybean is Betty my girlfriend..." Betty waved and Jellybean said "she's really pretty!" I chuckled and Betty smiled suddenly Jellybean yelled "daddy! Mommy! Juggie has a girlfriend!" I sighed and my mom and dad saw "mom dad...this is Betty my girlfriend..." Betty waved again "hi Mr and Mrs Jones its so wonderful to see you." They nodded "as do you...has my son been good?" My mom asked Betty nodded "the best I promise you did something good with him..." she kissed me and my cheek, I smiled and my mother was in awe, my dad died seeing it "will we see her for thanksgiving?" I shook my head "but you will see her at JB's soccer meet." They smiled "oh no! My IPad dying!" Suddenly it hung up I chuckled and Betty smiled "your parents look lovely Jug..." I nodded and caressed her cheek and kissed her she smiled as she placed her hand on my chest I chuckled and kissed her forehead she slowly closed my laptop saying "maybe...we can spend breakfast here...." she put my laptop on my desk and said "maybe...even a bit of lunch..." I chuckled and moved on top of her as she giggled and grabbed my face to kiss me.

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