Beautiful Experiences

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Jughead's POV
I was sleeping in my bed with Betty, I woke up to Betty slightly moving me "Jug..." I woke up and groaned "what's wrong?" She then said "I think my water broke..." my eyes widened and I looked at her she lifted the sheets and I saw water "shit...okay I'll grab the stuff you just get something on" she nodded and began yelling "I'm right he's coming!" I nodded and helped her out, I grabbed my shoes and shoved clothes in her purse for us to change and we began walking downstairs, we got our stuff on and left. We arrived at the hospital and I said "my wife is going into labor" the nurse nodded and they helped me get her into a room, I grabbed the clothes from her purse and got dressed into something nicer she was in bed holding her stomach breathing heavily. I rubbed her hands saying "you okay?" She nodded saying "just hurts..." I nodded and she breathed in and out I sat next to her and rubbed her hands. Soon Veronica and Archie were there Veronica was with Betty while I was with Archie "your about to become a dad dude..." I smiled and he said "you okay?" I bit my bottom lip and shrugged "I'm upset that...her dad can't see this..." I sighed and he patted my back saying "you did good! Don't blame yourself." I nodded and he said "let's get back in" I sighed and we walked back to her room, we saw her with the doctor and I smiled going by her side as the doctor told us "she's coming along great, five centimeters. Once she hits ten, we'll have a baby" Betty smiled and I did too. The doctor left and Betty smiled saying "I'm so excited..." I chuckled and she began having a contraction, she held my hand and I rubbed the top of her stomach saying "it's alrgiht..." she nodded and sighed and said "it's okay..." I nodded and she looked at me saying "we're having a baby..." I nodded "we're having a baby betts..." she giggled and I kissed her forehead saying "I texted my parents, they said they'll come as soon as they can." She nodded and said "we're having a baby boy..." I smiled and kissed her hand and I had to let her rest. Soon after my parents arrived with Jellybean, I hugged them saying "thanks for making it..." they nodded and we went into Betty's room. Betty saw them and smiled, my mom and dad hugged her I sat down next to Betty and they said "today's the day huh?" I nodded smiling and saying "were extremely excited for the new addition..." I kissed her hands saying "luckily Betty is able to go to school and take care of him while I work." They smiled and Betty said "I'll make sure to take care of him... whenever he needs me..." I smiled and kissed her head she giggled and her and my mom continued talking. After a while Betty was ready to give birth, I was next to her and she was pushing as the doctor said "Mrs Jones your gonna have to push a bit harder" she nodded and kept pushing and held my hand breathing heavily, I rubbed her hand and she sighed and continued pushing after a few minutes...we heard little cries. Betty was really weak and laid back on the bed, I grabbed my son and I smiled "welcome to the world little guy..." he was crying lightly but I went over to Betty who was breathing slowly "he's..." I nodded and she smiled and the nurses cleaned her up and then she grabbed our newborn son "he's so small..." I chuckled and she smiled looking at him my parents were in awe seeing us I smiled and grabbed our newborn son and carefully handed him to my mom "he's beautiful...just like you were" I smiled and I looked at Jellybean and asked "wanna hold him?" She lightly smirked and nodded, I handed her my newborn son and she looked at him he looked at her and suddenly she let go of him. In instinct I quickly grabbed him before he hit the floor, he cried very loudly and my mom yelled "Forsythia!" She shrugged and I gave Betty our son and I said "I'm sorry..." she shook her head and patted his tiny back. I looked at Jellybean and said "you outside" she went ahead and I told Betty "I'll be back okay?" I kissed her and our sons heads and I left the room. I saw Jellybean and I said "what the hell was that!" She looked at me and said "do you love me anymore?" I rose my eyebrows saying "of course I do! Why would you ever think that!" She looked down and said "your always with Betty..." I sighed and said "because...Betty was kicked out of her family, I had to take care of her...I took her to school I fed her, I made sure she was safe." She looked at me and I said "her mom doesn't like me...but Betty wanted to be with me. And I did too, I took her around the world with me because she was only 16 I couldn't leave her alone had mom and dad. And I always made sure to take care of you" she looked down and I said "I married her because I one love her, and two I want to keep her safe. A baby doesn't change how much I love you, your my little sister. It's two different types of love. I didn't make you, we share blood, but I made this little person and I now have to take care of him." She nodded and I said "you really disappointed me..." she sighed and I went back into the room and saw Betty rubbing our sons head, I smiled and a nurse came in saying "it's time to feed the little guy." Betty smiled and the nurse helped her, she lifted Betty's gown down and I saw the little guy nudge near her and her slowly opened his mouth and Betty gulped "this is...nothing I would've imagined...I love you..." she told him I smiled and she looked at me "and I love you too..." I nodded and kissed her as we watched our son have his first meal being out.

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