Surprsingly Amazing

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Betty's POV
Today was the last day until break because today's Friday and on Monday it's Christmas Eve then Christmas! I came in with a present and had my presents for Jughead and Veronica, Cheryl....she hasn't been talking to me a lot anymore, but I'm fine with it, more time for Jughead and I. I ran into class and saw Mr Jones I locked the door as I carried his huge present he chuckled and I set it on his desk and I pushed him down onto his chair and I straddled him and kissed him he smiled and said "whats got you in this mood?" I giggled and kissed him as I felt his hand go under my shirt and he stopped and asked "seriously though why this Betts?" I smiled and got off "open your present!" He sighed and got up and lifted the lid "Betty..." he saw a type writer a classic version and smiled "Betty this must've been a fortune..." I smiled and said "you...mean everything to me...I wanted to show you how much..." he smiled and kissed me "your present is back at my house I promise to get it because...I couldn't give it now okay?" I nodded and kissed him lovingly he grabbed my waist and I rested my forehead on his "after school?" He nodded and I sat in my seat and the day began. Soon enough I found Veronica in a classroom I smiled and she did back and hugged me "I have your present..." she gave me mine and we opened them and we gave each other friendship bracelets "this is how you know we're BFF's" she laughed and hugged me "so how about Mr Jones?" I smiled "Jughead says my present is at his house so I'm gonna with him after school" she smiled and said "my Archiekins gave me a promise ring!" I saw it on her hand I said "it's beautiful V...." she nodded and hugged me "I gotta go, daddy wants to talk about Archie and I to see if we're on good terms." I nodded and she left I sighed and went outside. I saw Jughead and ran to him and quickly got into his car and he began driving. As we got to his house he said "okay I'm gonna blindfold you're okay with that?" I nodded and he put on a red blindfold on me and helped me out of the car, he unlocked his door and we went inside his house, he told me to stay there and I did I heard a lot of movement and he came back from upstairs and said "okay come on..." he grabbed my hand as we walked. We got upstairs and he took my blindfold off and I saw....lingerie? "Seriously? This?" He chuckled "nope sorry that was actually something that I had a fantasy of you wearing, but yours is actually moving..." I was confused and he went into the closet and lifted a puppy I gasped "a puppy!" I grabbed it and said "hes so cute!" I giggled out he asked "do you like it?" I nodded "I love it! parents..." he smiled "I'll have him here and you can visit him everyday, we can be it's mommy and daddy." I giggled and kissed him "he's so cute..." he smiled and rubbed my back I kissed him and he said "I hope you like it." I nodded saying "I love it! thank you..." he nodded and said "I've more thing..." I nodded and he went into a bag and handed me a velvet black box I opened it seeing a necklace a beautiful locket I gulped "Juggie...this must've been..." he smiled and went behind me and  he put it on me and I opened it seeing a photo of us together. I giggled and said "this must've been expensive, where'd... no offense, oh god I'm sorry..." he smiled "I've saved up Betts, I wanted our first be special..." I smiled and said "thank you..." he nodded and said " more." I held the puppy as he took me to another room suddenly he stopped saying "look up." I did and saw a mistletoe I giggled and grabbed his face and kissed him he smiled and held my face too I looked at him and said "merry Christmas to me" he chuckled and kissed me again. After a while I was at home and with my necklace, as I played with it and my mom came in smiling "come on Elizabeth were making cookies! Gingerbread!" I nodded and she left I sighed and played with my necklace again and smiled to myself, I'm falling in love with Jughead.

Jughead's POV
I packed my bags and held our new dog which we named Olive he's the cutest dog ever I put him on my lap as I began leaving Riverdale and driving back home. As I drove Olive fell asleep and I saw my type writer on the chairs behind me. I smiled and looked at the puppy sleeping as I stopped at a red light I saw something in the box with the typewriter I turned around grabbing it and saw a letter with a few hundreds in the envelope I chuckled and Betty said "don't worry I just want you to be stable" I sighed and she said "thank you for changing my life, it's been different with you, I've never felt this way for anyone, thank you for giving me my first kiss, my first time, everything, Merry Christmas Mr Jones 😘..." I smiled and put the note away I can't believe I'm falling in love with a 15 year old, you only see this in movies, but it's actually happening.

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